Watch "Afrikaner family’s refugee application deemed “racist propaganda”" on YouTube

in #political7 years ago

We so love the success of the Cultural Revolution

One of our great successes is the socialist paradise of South Africa which will be the the second country after Zimbabwe to exterminate racist white people for their intergenerational crimes of genocide and the oppression of first nation people.

All western countries wealth were build on slavery and colonialism and only penalty for these heinous crimes is reeducation and eventually removal of firstly the oppressors, white men.

Only with this firm goal in mind can our socialist paradise be formed with, equality of outcomes, gender diversity, political correctness, identity politics, feminism, bathroom for trans people only, no borders, living wage, sharia law for victimised muslim, safe spaces, no free expression of ideas etc.

Once established and ruled by our psychopath or sociopath divine leader and our technocrats only socialism in its truest form can exist and with all of our previous great socialist paradises we will need to establish gulags, concentration camps, reeducation centres for any person or group that does not comply with their level on the victimhood status hierarchy.

At the moment this hierarchy is based on the amount of victimization by oppressive white men and is as follows

  1. First Nation People,
  2. Muslims
  3. Refugees
  4. Women of colour, based on the amount of melanin in their skin.
  5. Men of colour, based on the amount of melanin in their skin.
  6. Western white third wave feminists Women
  7. The LBTQ Etc community
  8. White non third wave feminists women.

For example our muslim victims have advised that changes will eventually have to be made to the victimhood hierarchy to have the purest form of a cultural marxist socialist calaphate. One muslim leader just recently back from Syria suggested that LBTQ etc are not really victims but oppressors and agents of white men that is why they where dropped off multi storey buildings for their crimes.

This will be addressed after the removal of white men.

Victimculture forever
Comrade victim number one
Head of first peoples trans fluid non cis gendered muslim feminists collective
A George Soros open society initiative


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