The IRS Silver Bullet

in #political7 years ago

If you are forced to pay taxes, you are being forced to work for nothing for the time it takes to pay the tax. That is the definition of slavery. Slavery is illegal under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and it is a War Crime under the Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Civilians in a Time of War of 1949, and the Rome Statute. Some of you may thing that the Geneva Conventions do NOT apply, but they definitely do. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 says that everything west of the original 13 colonies, and what is now Quebec in Canada is Indian Territory and colonists were told to stay out of it, and the occupying force in Canada was the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and in the USA, it was the British military, as well as the Continental Army. Also, the southern states are under a military occupation, as well as all of the land obtained by the Spanish American War in the 1840's. The reason that is significant is because parts of the Geneva Conventions apply for the duration of the occupation.

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