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RE: The Main Agenda Of The Bilderberg Secret Meeting, Trump - Episode 1295b

in #political7 years ago

For the first time in Bilderberg/Mason history,
the new elected president will not join the annually Bilderberg meeting ...
It really was an inside coup d'etat.
That mean that the Wizard(s) have moved up one step and made the 2 wings live in doubt .. i.e not let them be involved /informed on EVERYTHING not even be sure on who is meant to run the show ... And THAT means that the crash and kaos is near.. Because the low-level illuminati i.e the wealthy and other in power position but notTHE tptb is not needed anymore .. The show can now be run by a much smaller "management".
A lot less to control since they are about to let the first domino to fall .. On the next one and so forth .....
The picknick is over.. Put on the seatbelt because it will start to go DOWN and also VERY Bumpy ......

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