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RE: What is A Well Regulated Militia

in #political7 years ago

Yes I here those same thoughts repeated. So I think that you might want to think about it like this. Any one can speed in their car or drive in the HOVC lanes . But we still have laws and restrictions against it right ? So even though you can their are consequences if you do. So no one is say take all the guns. What is needed is to stop people from getting their hands on these type guns with no background checks, like buying from a gun show or from an individual. We need wait times, W need if you beat your spouse or kids or are in a criminal court case you don't get the chance to have a gun. We need to make it a requirement that every gun owner go get a physical and a mental check up yearly just like we do for driving with a CDL or other endorsements. If you are mentally ill then you loose your rights to have a gun. Look you and I both know your not going squirrel hunting with a M-16 or an AR. Theses guns do not need to be issued to civilians . There are men and women coming home from the service with PDSD and other issues. they do not need access to a military style weapon anymore. And I agree with you that a psychopath can use a car or a truck. But the cities immediately enacted barriers so help prevent those things from happening again. So that is what is needed more regulations. More safe guards. Again the second amendment states "A well regulated Militia" that's is just what is needed regulations, more training and much stricter gun laws. leaving it like it is of self governing and self regulations is just not working. The idea that an 18 year old can buy an AR but you have to be 21 to buy a 38 special is wrong. I would ask what were your thoughts about the video's that are in my article? At some point you and I as gun owners must do the right thing and say that we are not protecting or hunting with theses type of guns. It is time for us to set up and say enough is enough. Thank you for your comments but I am not convince that you read and watched everything I wrote and posted about. But the idea that people will break the laws if they want to so no laws are needed or will work , just ask any junkie: Is a cop-out. So what's next no laws on rape because hey guys are stronger and will do it any way or she was wearing a short skirt so she should have known that that gives this guy the right to do it. Or how about pedophiles hey no laws for them either. They just have no impulse control so we all should just say it's ok go be a little league coach because if he wants access to a kid he will do it anyway. We shouldn't have laws to help us or have background checks because he will find a way to get access to a child. Do you see how crazy your argument is? You are 100% correct we will not stop everyone but adding these regulations and new laws on age limits or magazine sizes , or restriction on bump stocks and the likes might stop that 1. Additionally these new laws could weed out bad cops. If they have domestic abuse charges then no guns. They get a desk job, or a meter maid assignment. I have never been more proud of the American youth. These young people are right on the edge of becoming some of the most educated and plugged in voters in a very long time. These laws will happen changes are inevitable. As gun owners and as hunters we know that these style guns are for show and for "fun" we are not going to be less safe without them in our gun cases. Stop thinking that only psychopaths are the ones doing these killings for the most part it is angry white men and boys. And that is not meant to come off a racist or sexist it is just the facts. Young black men sure maybe going their fair share of killings but they tend to use pistols. You going to be kewl when gang member say they are a militia and not a gang. And start roaming our streets with Assault riffles? Or how about the KKK are you ok with them walking the streets with these guns because the are Americans and it is their God Given Right to shoot people that are not? So we need no laws to prevent theses type of people from owning and using these weapons? Sounds kind of dumb doesn't it?


The 2nd Amendment has nothing to do with hunting animals or protecting your home from intruders. The 2nd Amendment is designed to protect us from terrony. I know that things have been very cushy here in America and it seems radical that something like fascism or communism could take over this county, but it can easily if we take away the right to bare arms. I don't think psycho has an age limit, look at the shooter in Vegas, what law would have stopped him? Even the law called murder, didn't stop that asshole psychopath from killing 50 ppl. Also, that school was a gun free zone, just another law broken. Why don't these psychopathic men follow laws? If you make drugs illegal in the US and have extremely tough laws against drug usage, will this fix the drug problem we have here in the US? My point is, the only people being affected by gun laws and drug laws are the good men and women who follow laws. If the government decided they were the ones in charge of this counry and came into your home to take your land, you are only left what you've regulated yourself with to protect yourself from them. I bet they're going to have weapons far greater than you. You're only putting yourself in that position. The government works for us, not the other way around. One last thing, last night, they said on the news, that an armed cop showed up to that school before all those kids were killed and he froze. You're counting on someone like this to save our kids. Get rid of the signs, give staff weapons and have better security. Don't be a victim.

I understand your point but I do not believe bringing guns into our school is the answer. And if you think eminent domain does not still happen in our county you are just not staying informed. There was an armed policeman on the campus the time of this shooting. A trained armed person. It not only did not deter this kid but he did nothing to stop the carnage. This kid blended in and found his way off campus and away from the seen. Teachers have enough on their plates with out adding on the burden of having to take a student's life. Seems strange how quickly that this administration can find money to arm teachers but not money for school programs or school needs like equipment or after school programs. I have to thank you all for the willingness to have an open adult discussion about these issues. The Steemit community has shown me yet again that there is a place where open honest and respectful debates can happen. Thank you all for this.

I don't think that taking a kids life would go through my head, I think I'd be thinking, I just saved lives by killing a psychopathic killer. I really don't think gun laws would have stopped this kid from killing. He had a history of violence.

Well I think that had the system had all of information what was going on with this youth and had the Baker act that it would have stopped this case. Gov. Scott just came on and said he is going to up the buying age of any gun to 21, reinstating the Baker Act, putting 1/2 billion towards school safety, a 30 day hold on any confiscated guns, no bump stocks and more things. I think this is a great start. He understands that what we have now is just not working. So I applaud him. It is not enough but it is a start.

You can create a homemade bump-stock using a belt and rubber band, a bomb using fertilizer, pcv pipe and nails, or pressure cookers. When they moved the drinking age to 21 here in CO, I was still drinking in high school. Pot is 21 on up here, yet it seems every high school kid either smokes or has smoked at least once under age. Point is, age restrictions don't stop anyone from doing illegal shit. You can't legislate evil. There is NO law that will stop people from killing, I'm sorry. I wish it wasn't so. I have two kids and I hope they are safe in school. One of my kids goes to one of these famous schools that had a shooter and kids died. No law would have stopped the rage.

so then I guess we should just get rid of all laws then. I don't think quitting is an option for many of us now. We are going to change the laws and we are going to neuter the amount of power that the N.R.A. as in our politics. WE are going to support what is right. And your right laws do not stop people from breaking them. But it sure draws a line in the sand and give consequences if they do. I have revoked my N.R.A. membership and cut up my discount cards. So If we have to do it with laws great but if we have to hurt their bottom line we will do it. I was completely discussed by the views at the CPAC meeting. And I will stand with these young new and soon to be new voters that are the future. Weather some people like it or not change is coming. I applaud the industries that have like me said the N.R.A. does not resent what I stand for anymore. The time is now to say what it has been is not working. So time to change.

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