there might be a law against that sort of thing

in #politic7 years ago

Ponder the percentage of home and land owners in the USA vs the percentage of foreign land owners.
Discovered thanks to trusty, maligned wikipedia "As of January 2011, foreigners owned $4.45 trillion of U.S. debt, or approximately 47% of the debt held by the public of $9.49 trillion and 32% of the total debt of $14.1 trillion."
I surmise the percentage has changed as business closures, base closures, house and farm bankruptcies invite lucrative opportunities to investors foreign and otherwise.
Ruminate the wickedness of wondering whether military base closure facilities are sold or leased to those who may hold contrary opinions which may enable like-minded contrarians to develop weapons of mass destruction on American soil, under our superior noses, for the sake of cover and expediency.

I wonder if there might be a law against that sort of thing.
Which particular cog in which sub-division of the DMFCGC - Department of Monitoring Foreign Crap Going on in this Country designates the department to collect funds necessary to monitor such activities with monies after subtraction of bonuses and administrative operating costs.

Inspections, amuse, can be somewhat subjective depending upon.
Types of Inspection
honor system
Scheduled spot checks
Mail-in checklist
Telephone reports
Routine stops
Drop in unannounced
Un-honor system of all sort

How I lust for peace, love and order...beloved order and will in a matter of time compromise with wink, wink, nudge, nudge camaraderie to ensure the balance which allows humanity to mostly get along with each other, most of the time, in most places.

The remainder rest within our shadows, as my shadow explains, awaiting the greater the need for logic and order and critical thought to open the door to opportunity.

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