You guys really need watch this : HOW WE ALL LOSE if Trump's FCC ends Net Neutrality

in #politic7 years ago

OpChangeTheWorld2 🌍

Maybe net neutrality is just something you hear on the news and see in the headlines. Maybe it's something you do not want to bother to understand. It all boils down to this : Freedom

President Trump has placed at the head of the Federal Communications Commission, an opponent to the neutrality of the net. On the next December 14, the commission will vote on how to move forward with its efforts to control the Internet and kill the old bill. They want to replace the rules of the open Internet or network neutrality, which prevent ISPs from blocking or strangling the legal content that users seek to access. The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission regulator of telecommunications and media, outlined a project that would remove the rules, put in place under the Obama administration, that constrain providers Internet access to be transparent so that consumers can choose the offers that are best for them. Mr. Pai, appointed by Donald Trump as head of the FCC, says he is confident that this deregulation will increase their investment in the networks. They say that this measure would allow them to commit billions of dollars of investment. This move will allow Internet service providers to prioritize the data we see when we do our searches. Companies, corporations and any other powerful group with enough funds will pay to control the information we see online. Trump is literally forming the biggest dictatorial regime of all time and we will no have way of keep fighting. This proposal cancels nearly two decades of agreements between left and right, which protect Americans' ability to freely access the Internet. The Internet as we know it could very well change forever and not for the better !!!!

Ajit Pai puts an end to the neutrality of the net, it is crucial to act quickly to defend the principles that create the internet as we know it. Net neutrality is a matter of freedom of the press and a question of the First Amendment, because equal access to information and diversified journalism is imperative for a functioning democracy. Journalism has been transformed by the Internet, offering unprecedented and rapidly available access to news from around the world. The Internet exists as a site of creativity, innovation and solid political debate precisely because ISPs have a mandate to treat content in a neutral way. In the digital age, where journalism and the Internet are increasingly interconnected, Internet users, not businesses selling Internet access, should control the news they read.

Reducing net neutrality has disturbing and dangerous implications specifically for press freedom in a world where journalism and the Internet are increasingly linked. ISPs, some of which themselves have news media, would have broad power to determine what stories people would see, and could slow down or block access to media coverage by competing media instead of choosing between various news coverage. . News agencies could undermine local and independent journalism by limiting access to coverage by news sites that are not ISP partners. Alternative sources of media with varying political perspectives may be much slower than partner news websites, may not appear in search results, or may be more expensive to view.

Protecting net neutrality is an important issue of freedom ..

The Federal Communications Commission to proposal to kill net neutrality PDF :


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