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RE: [Zapytaj niedźwiedzia]- zakaz handlu

in #polish6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone who will comment on this topic!
The topic is up to date but concerns Poland. I do not know if I have the right to say my opinion. But still I think all shops should work on Sundays. If the law applies only to small stores, it means there are limitations for a certain group of traders. This means that for big hypermarkets everything can, but for small shops is forbidden. Where is freedom then? Who does not want to work on Sundays, find a job where there will be a rest on Sunday. On Saturdays and Sundays, pay is higher and there are people who like it. According to this logic, on Sundays, restaurants, cafes, all kinds of transport - water, air, rail and ground should not work. It is not normal. Cities will be dead. Also, people will go to the big supermarkets on Sunday and market products for the whole week, and so the little shops will go bankrupt.
I am from Bulgaria and many people have a bad opinion about our country, but not everything they see and hear is true. Everything is a manipulation. I like the shops in Bulgaria working on Sunday. I also had a store, and little by little big hypermarkets ruined the business of people like me. Together with us, the workers were left without work. For me, it is most important for people to decide whether to work on Sundays or not and not someone to tell them what they should do on Sundays! Your government is ruining the small business!
Thank you for your chosen topic!


If the law applies only to small stores, it means there are limitations for a certain group of traders.

The law applies to each store - big and small one. The only exception is a store where the owner will be a salesman - such store may be open on Sundays.

Thank you for specifying the law! But does this relate to large chain stores (hypermarkets)? However, for me this is a limitation. Those people who do not want to work on Sundays just will not start working in shops that work on Sundays. That's fair. Let everyone decide whether to start working in a shop where he has to work on Sundays. Again, we come to the personal choice to be taken by man and not by those who govern.
I wish you a peaceful evening!

Yes, it relates to each shop no matter what its size is. Such law was introduce in Germany for example and it works there (but I don't know the details if it is good law or bad one). I agree that any limitation is mainly a bad solution but in case of trade limitations on Sundays I think it may have some benefits (some, not many).
In case of working people in shops they may have problems with finding a better job in Poland or they just don't want to. Anyway, the government behaves like it knows better what is good for people...

I agree with you.

Anyway, the government behaves like it knows better what is good for people...

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