Evading the Controllers

in #policyofliberty7 years ago (edited)

History is largely the story of how parasitical states mangle market institutions, destroy millions of lives, and redistribute private property. What drives the state? Ultimately Satan himself (Revelation 13:1-9, Psalm 2:2-3, Matthew 4:8-9, etc.), although what can be more easily manifest are the controllers—feudal overlords left over from a supposedly bygone era—still found in mighty family lines spawned from the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, Carnegies, Bushes, Bruces, Cavendishes, De Medicis, Hanovers, Hapsburgs, Krupps, Plantagenets, Romanovs, Du Ponts, Sinclairs, Windsors and many others. Those families produce rent-seeking businesses that become complicit with the state and often do damage to ordinary people.

Some would even throw religious entities like the Jesuits into the mix. Perhaps it is true. Nevertheless, unlike Satan, those families and groups need to breathe air and nourish their bodies to survive, keeping themselves warm and dry. The whole planet cannot be enveloped in smog, disease, warfare, class-conflict, racial tension and crime. They need a few nice places to build their manors and raise their children.

To that end, beautiful sanctuary countries have been formed and molded to serve the ends of the elites. Switzerland and many freer European enclaves like Andorra, Liechtenstein, San Marino and Monaco are prime examples. Hong Kong and Singapore serve similar (albeit mixed) purposes or ends, along with islands like Guernsey, Jersey, and Mauritius.

While those latter places are not strikingly beautiful as those in the first list, they are largely free and provide storage for the assets of the elite and safety from the statist intervention that the elites enjoy beleaguering the rest of humanity with. In addition, I would add Chile to the mix, an astonishingly beautiful and neutral country, increasingly free of so many of the things that ail the rest of the politically correct, conflictive world. I believe that it might be presently being prepared to serve a similar role that many tiny European states have played for centuries.

Our overlords either keep much of their wealth in these places or house their soulless bodies in them. Because of that fact, there is plausible reason to believe that these territories will be free of wars, "terror" attacks, pestilence, Draconian regulation and oppressive taxation—just to name a few key items. Ironically, there are benefits to living near the habitations of the lords paramount or their money.

Indeed, one of the best ways to evade the controllers is to live right under their noses. In all likelihood, you are too small a fish to fry for the elites to bother trying to squash you. The only problem is, with Chile being the exception, that all the places where they reside or that store their wealth are pricey for mere serfs and peons. We must save up for years to be able to throw up a lean-to on such estates. Still, it might well be worth the effort considering that the elites like the same things that libertarians do: freedom, low taxes, little regulation, beauty and peace. Better to have a humble abode with many external benefits than a mansion in harm's way.

Of course, the most enjoyable spectacle for the evil ones is to watch well-intentioned peons and serfs undertake revolutionary efforts or participate in counter-cultural movements within their mega-state territories. These patriotic efforts consume lifetimes of energy and are about as effective as a garden hose is in trying to extinguish a forest fire. Why would the lords of the manors permit their own wealth and power source to be snuffed out?

To keep the animals running in the Coliseum, the overlords prod them with vain beliefs about "rights" on the plantation like the Second Amendment and free speech, dangling before their eyes savory morsels of liberty, long consigned to the dustbin of history in reality. Hope springs eternal, but in the end all attempts to regain the promised land will be in vain. Playing on "their" turf, they win and we lose.

The most tragic aspect of this sad reality is that few are willing to extirpate themselves from the evil lands where they reside and undertake the effort and associated costs involved with being freer. This problem is not so much moral as it is doleful. Modern man actually enjoys being enslaved to the elite, feasting on the genetically-modified sustenance and short-term high salaries they offer for playing part in the great games started a couple thousand years ago in Rome.

There is no vilification hidden in that last remark. There is no right or wrong choice in the matter. A person (libertarian or otherwise) has a right to engage in any dangerous activity he chooses, from skydiving to riding boxcars. A man has a right to live in a dangerous and oppressive place if he perceives that the benefits outweigh the costs. Yet, in the same way that there are only two types of salad dressing, (1) blue cheese and (2) everything else, there are only two kinds of oppressed people: those who stay and face danger and those who try to leave (and perhaps succeed), thus alleviating it.

For much of the world’s population, including (remarkably) the Chinese, being with their own “kind” and speaking their own language in familiar surroundings, with proximity to their families, outweighs any level of danger or oppression whatsoever. This is even true when it is well known that the state that beleaguers them has a terrible history of brutality and violence against its citizens. For that same group, denial is often practiced to help assuage the digestion of the stark (and even bleak) circumstances of their predicament, along with vain platitudes and concocted survival schemes designed to morphine them, as they continue to deny reality and come ever closer to realizing its consequences.

However, even though the Chinese exemplify the point well, they are certainly not the only nation with such a disposition. How many Americans still believe the "my government right or wrong" doctrine? They certainly en masse believe the government's (elite's) dubious 9/11 story. Even those libertarians and others who doubt still choose to stay in evil places like America, rather than bob and weave around the manors in relative safety and prosperity. I guess that the hometown fixings are just too good.

Unfortunately, if history is any indicator, the good times will not last. It is all a setup for the next profitable cataclysm that will further enrich and empower the elites at the expense of the subservient classes.

I guess that last ride down is a heck of a rush! Too bad that most will not live to tell about it. Yet, for the moment, you (my reader) have taken a little pause to ponder the circumstances a little more profoundly. And perhaps you might ponder further whether it might not be worthwhile trying to evade the controllers rather than let them take you for a ride.

John Cobin, Ph.D.
Escape America Now


I remember my mother waking me up the morning of the 9.11 attacks to watch it on the t.v knowing this day would change the course or history .such a horrible event

It certainly was a watershed. Yet so many remain duped, especially in the USA. Everyone is responsible for his own freedom and denial has had rapid and permanent degenerate effects.

This is such a powerful article, thank you!

My grandfather left the former Yugoslavia in WW2, on the run for 6 months to end up in Italy and ultimately the UK where he remains to this day.

I always hope that I never have to go through anything like what he had to go through, but as time passes and I watch things decline more and more here, I'm now asking myself "how long do we have? Should we leave now before it is too late?".

I'm not in a financial position to do anything about it at the moment, but I hope I can be whilst there is still time...

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