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RE: Averting Civil War in Chile: Concealed Carry Policy as a Means of Quashing the Vitriol of the Left

in #policyofliberty7 years ago

I am a Baptist in Alabama and I'm a member of the Constitution Party here. I am Libertarian on most things but I respectfully part with pure Libertarians on some moral issues. This is a great news story and one that I would be unlikely to hear from any traditional news outlet. Thank's for posting it and for having the courtesy to let us know the perspective that you are viewing the issue from. Most of the time in this world of ultra bias it is almost impossible to discern the viewpoint of the speaker, thus you have no way of knowing what kind of slant may be applied to the story. Great job informing us of the situation down there also, if WW III is near, I would not be surprised at all if it started in Central or South America rather then where people are expecting in the Middle East or Korea.


Thank you for your kind remarks. Actually, I would not be surprised to see such a calamity start in the United States. But you are right to point out that traditional news sources in English are loathe to point out the evils of leftism in Chile or almost anywhere in Latin America. Chile is a great country, but it is embattled by these nasty leftists. At least we can see our enemy clearly. I am not sure that you can in the U.S.A. I only wish we had R.E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in Chile, along with some true historical Baptist leadership to better counter the essence of vitriol and evil.

It looks like the wheel is about to come off the wagon here, I think we can expect major breaking news about corruption that will open up what is already a complete split in the Government as well as the population at large. So you may in fact be correct to say it could start right here in the USA, at least in the form of violent protests in the streets and fights between factions.

The trade war with China officially started yesterday and today, and China's new oil exchange with deliveries is supposed to open on 3-26. We are also getting ready to start major war games with Japan and South Korea in the next few days, everything is in place. Is it all a bluff and will one side back down? I'm very doubtful.

It does not seem like Trump is the sort to back down and that is likely why he has Bolton on board now to help navigate the next war. Trade wars will make you even poorer than you are already compared to prior years. Maybe invest in military stocks now so you can get some capital gains, as butter production shifts to guns.

I agree, when I heard that Bolton was in I knew we were one step closer to war. If the reports from Alt News sources are true then there are some serious chess moves taking place at the moment, I've lost count of the all the different "Lines in the sand" that have been drawn over the last few months. Chances are that eventually, somebody will call someone's bluff, then we'll find out whats what. So far we have not allowed anyone to trade oil in anything buy USD, at least not in large amounts. So we wait and see what happens.

deacon. You said: I am Libertarian on most things but I respectfully part with pure Libertarians on some moral issues.

Could you identify your discrepencies in the areas of:

Taxation (theft)

This article highlights a few basic disagreements between libertarians and C.P. folk. We believe as libertarians that they are inconsistent in several points of political philosophy and when they favor protectionism and state regulation they are ignorant of economics principles. Nevertheless, in something like 80% (?) of their positions we agree with them. They are far better than either Democrats or Republicans on that score.

I don't think I'm willing to give a reply to these broad categories, there are too many details and too much explanation would be required. Also, there are some things that are better left off of a public forum because they can be taken out of context or misrepresented and used against you. I have friends and family that would not understand my position on some issues without an in detail explanation that I just can't supply here. People who watch the mainstream news have a skewed perception about a lot of issues, and they tend to jump to conclusions before they have their facts straight. If you want to ask about a specific issue I will try to answer if I can.

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