
I'm sure the taxpayers will be delighted to read about how their money is being busted on BS like this! LOOOL

Meanwhile, yesterday the Feds had the largest civil forfeiture in US history in Sacramento, in "legal" California, rolling up 100 grow houses owned and operated by Chineses drug cartel (build that wall?) Join us Sunday at 4:20 Pacific on DLive for @DC420LA: The Week in Weed Blunt commentary on a higher level. #Pot4Peace

These things always make me really sad. It's like... there is some poor backwards ass fool cop somewhere who is proud of themselves over this. They genuinely believe that this kind of shit is a worthy goal. The thing is, I can't hardly bring myself to blame them, because that kind of a toxic, irrational mindset is often not a conscious choice; it's a symptom of ones upbringing and the environment around them. It's not the smart folks that stay and become cops in their home town... If I may make a rather broad generalization. I very likely would have ended up with a similar outlook on life, had my family not moved from small town East Texas to a much more culturally diverse city during my formative teen years. That kind of wrongheaded conservative moralizing and fascism is so embedded in the consciousness of the Bible Belt that it is nigh inescapable for folks who have lived their whole lives within it. Sad, sad story.

I try to avoid using this term when speaking about "law" enforcement but, whoever stole this from someone is a real pig. Not just for stealing it but, also for the hell this case will bring to their life. Thousands of dollars, probation, bail & not to mention the time\human endeavor that this victim of police injustice will suffer the loss of due to this misguided evil pig. The drug war MUST end!!!

Here is the contact form. Don't be shy..

And my 2 cents:

Unfortunately, our AG and other citizens would applaud this Sheriff's department's enforcement. Hopefully, we will see an end for the War on Drugs, sometime soon.

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