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RE: Polarity Integration between Light and Dark

Curious how you foresee the disparity playing out between

So that you're totally free to be aligned with your true-self at any moment in time, and experience what your soul wishes to experience, no matter whether it is helping others, or destruction...


at the same time you'll allow anyone else...

If YOUR desires are for destruction and harm of others, how would that simultaneously allow others the freedom to live free from the influence of your destructive actions towards them?

(I have an idea of the answer, though curious as to your outlook on this)


When we see things with higher perspective, above all dualities, through the eyes of soul or Source. You can't judge things on two polarity/extremes opposite to each other. You just see them as they are without any judgements. After all everything is same energy but in different forms, expressing itself diffently/uniquely, it's polarity game we are playing here. 🙂

Even the darkness ultimately serves the divine plan of the Source.

A hero can not exist without a villain, positivity cannot exist without a negetivity, but all extremes co-exist together to give meaning and existence to one another.

To integrate both extremes is to get yourself into the point of zero-point, where balance/harmony/neutrality exist so to complete the divine trinity.

This Universe is all about balance/harmony.

I highly suggest you to read my old post where you will get the idea about how the worst evil leaders served humanity.

I get that, though it still doesn't answer the question.

If one person wants to exercise their free will to an extreme of destructiveness and hurt others, they're infringing upon the right of others to experience their own well-being. i.e. If you want to go on a murderous machine gun rampage and gun down your classmates, you've overridden their choice to experience health and wholeness without bullet holes in their limbs.

Thus, the conflict - which you seem to have sidestepped with your spiritual-dogmatic answer...

Nope. Going against the free will of another is not right at all. We all respect and follow the low of 'free-will', although there are some entities who go against "free-will" of another and hence they got stuck in their own created matrix and do not make any progress spiritully. If you read that post which I suggested, you might have got the idea about how we select our contrats based on lessons soul wants to learn through variety of experiences in its uniwye expression of vibrstions. Many souls do agree to take part in victim role, either to have that experience or to clear karmic baggag of their other lifetimes.

Going against the free will of another is not right at all.

Exactly. That's what I'm saying.

Though apart from a violator getting stuck in their own matrix - you're saying that absolutely EVERYONE who gets violated selects their contracts in advance to get violated?

NOT EVERYONE, exceptions are always there. Yes, majority of soulls do agree to play victom role, but no one of them go against the free will of another. But there are few entities with ultra-hyper-advanced technologies with some hyper loop implants, and holographic reality simulation supercomputer running behind the scenes, that creates a very powerful cloning effect of the holographic Universe, and so, they violets or go against the free will through deception they create.

there are few entities with ultra-hyper-advanced technologies with some hyper loop implants, and holographic reality simulation supercomputer running behind the scenes, that creates a very powerful cloning effect of the holographic Universe...

This sounds rather interesting. Would you recommend any particularly good sources to learn more about this?

I see you are a bright @invinciblelight and in joy I AM sees you.

One does not have the words for this level of self awareness, your expression is with love. This I feel.

Wholeness and balance to you.

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