Tight Passive Poker PlayersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poker7 years ago

There I was holding J10 of hearts sitting in the big blind. Had called a 2x raise to see a flop of Js9h8h. Nice, a straight flush draw. Not going to fold now to any reasonable bet. Raiser just made a small 1/3 pot c-bet giving me plenty of odds to stay with the hand. In hindsight I should of raised that bet with the plan to bet every street after. I knew the raiser didn't play many hands so figured I could just call bets down if they keep it cheap. Check, check?.... on the turn with the 2 of diamonds now on board. Ace of spades hits the river. Better not bet this, villain probably just got there. Check, and check again. Was amazed to find out that KsKd was the hand at showdown.


You know why, the action did not really indicate I was up against a premium pair. The good news is they didn't extract many chips for the hand because it was played so passively. The bad news is that I could have won this pot with some moderate aggressive play. They are playing a very tight range of maybe 15% from all positions and this is a tight passive playing a wider range. Many might adjust to the top 10%.


The tight passive player will normally only bet for value when they improve on their already strong hand. A pair of kings verses boards suspect of straights and flushes or an ace will stop them from making value bets. Might even be able to get a fold if your image has not showed up as a very loose player.

Overall this play might cash for the minimum in some of the tournaments. Unfortunately, it will still show a long term loss. They often are on life support when reaching the money. So short stacked that they can't help but be a low odds favorite when in mulit-way pots. AA chances of winning goes down a lot when getting it all in 3 or 4 ways. There are just not enough big hands to carry the whole way if playing the top 15% of the range passively.

Creative thinking players can get them to find a fold. Sometimes out of frustration they might call off a stack post flop to sets or 2 pair. The trick is to not force them to play correctly. Re-raising preflop might cause them to get their chips all in correctly. Post flop play is a different story. Then some betting pressure might do the trick. If they raise back then it's likely they got the goods.

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Morning Pot, I did up a team avatar. but short of SBD to get it up.
it's just under 1.7 SBD per for a total of 5 for all three of us.
Let me know, maybe get it up today for tourney :-)

I am eventually going to buy an individual avatar. Have not decided on what image to use yet. You have done a great job with the team logo and now the avatar. Going to put the check in the mail for you to use as you see fit.

Good stuff my Friend. Gw bowed out, but I will cover. If you want or need help with your personal logo/avatar, Gratis for for you :-)

I played bad last night, but in my own defense - I was catching nothing but garbage for the first hour and chasing with it.

My head wasn't right and business was booming. Too much on my mind and some of those people can play and kept pushing.

You can't play poker with the F-it attitude. Or I can't. It rarely works.


No doubt, Even the best have a hard time when the cards are cold. Yes, this group collectively the best I have seen playing free rolls.

I have not played a serious game of poker since my days in the Navy, and never as deep as you're into it! That is some serious strategy and insights! If my son ever decides to join Steemit I'm sending him your way, he was winning tournaments in college at the local clubs, but I don't think he currently plays either.

Thank for the reply. Sounds like your son picked up on the game a lot quicker than I. This has been a 14 year passion of mine and I spent a long time playing losing poker as a loose passive and tight passive player. Hope you get him into steemit no matter what his passion is now. Trying to guide my boy on to the platform also. He is only 15 and could really benefit by getting in now over the long term.

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