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RE: Tight aggressive poker player refresher

in #poker6 years ago (edited)

Of course RAISE.

  • These type of players would limp from UTG either with AA KK QQ JJ and maybe AKsuited
  • or with a small pocket like 22 33 or 44 for a set value
  • If you flat call with J10 or AJ even when you are on a position against him/her you can be easily fucked up on flop like J-6-2. IF you are against Premium Pairs your Top/Top is way behind and if you are against small pocket you could be playing against set of deuces or sixes.

The best play is minimum raise or maybe 2.2X raise. Chances are higher that the UTG will 3 bet you with Premiums then flat call your 3 bet. This way you will easily get rid of a trouble. If he/she calls your 3bet, chances are higher that he/she has a small pair and you can decide your post flop play with more ease.

Folding is also an option, especially if you have AJ off. Between AJ and J10 I prefer J10 when I have to play against a tight aggresive guy.
Flat calling UTG limp is a good option when you have suited connectors like 56 or 78 and small pairs from deuces to 7s. Suited connectors are a bit risky to catch a draw and not make it at the end but if succesfull, you can take down a huge pot.


I agree the raise is a best option in most cases, but with a J10 suited, a call can also be a right play. J10 suited flops pretty well and has a good potential to crack the ACES. But I do agree that it is risky when flop comes as up and down draw with a flush draw or back door flush draw as well, can be painfull on the river with a brick.

Verses a tight aggressive if I can see a flop cheap with J10 suited that sounds like getting a good discount to have a chance to chip up cheap. If the flop misses able to get out for the cost of a blind. Thanks again for adding to the conversation.

Thanks for adding great insight to the post @photogeek. Agree with all.

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