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RE: Poker Talk With HOP: Speaking The Language

in #poker6 years ago

It was 7 and a half years ago I got my first straight flush winning a $600 high hand bonus.
I was at the dog track in Florida at the time. I sat down at a $1 and $2 blind table with $50. I won a few hands before I got the straight flush. I told myself if I double my money winning over $100 I was getting up and leaving. I had just got a flush the previous hand putting me at $94. So I was almost ready to get up and leave. But I was small blind the next hand. I got dealt the 3 and 6 of hearts. I'm already in half way for $1 so I called. Flop comes out, 2 3 4. The 2 and the 4 are hearts. So I got a straight draw, flush draw, and straight flush draw. I checked, everybody checked, turn comes out, 5 of hearts, NAILED IT! I bet, everyone but the guy next to me folds. The 5 gave the guy next to me a straight. I bet as much as I could because it wasn't an all in table. The guy next to me stays in till the show down flipping over his straight. I'm like, straight flush! The dealer goes, "High hand!" I'm like, "high hand!?" wtf? Then he says, "yeah, you just won $600!"
I'm like baffled in disbelief like an idiot. Then this guy with a clip board came around and the dealer was showing him the straight flush. Then he walks around to me to make me sign for my chips. I'm still like, "I really won $600?" The guy with the clip board says, "Well technically it is $599, blah blah etc." So I tipped the dealer $30 and got up and left with my cash. The guy at the cage was like, "Didn't you just get here?" I was like, "Yep, I just sat down like 10 to 15 minutes ago. I literally had only sat down and been playing that long before I was dealt my straight flush.

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