[How-To] Setup a Live Pokemon Go Map

in #pokemon8 years ago


  • Python
  • Basic Terminal/Prompt navigating Skills
  • Git


NOTE: I recommend you use Linux (Ubuntu was what I used) or a tool like Babun[Windows] to make this easy to follow.

  • Open a terminal/prompt window

  • Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/AHAAAAAAA/PokemonGo-Map.git

This will create a folder in your current directory named PokemanGo-Map

  • Enter that directory

    cd PokemonGo-Map
  • Download the following file get-pip.py using wget or curl

    wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py


curl -O https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
  • Use python to install pip

This may need to be run as sudo in certain environments

python get-pip.py
  • Recommended: use virtualenv to ensure that you don't install pip packages on your main system
    This step is not required but it is highly recommended

    virtualenv pokemon
    source pokemon/bin/activate
  • Install the requirements

    pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
  • GG! Profit

  • Sample Command

This will spawn an instance of this running at http://localhost:5000

    python example.py -a google -u [email protected] -p p@ssw0rd -l 30.280769,-97.823811 -st 50 -ar 3 
  • Arguments
    -a authentication_method -  google is suggested
    -u email_account  - gmail
    -p email_password - password to the gmail
    -l lat,long - lattitude and longitude.  Be sure they are seperated with a comma and no space in between
    -st max_step_range - number between  1-5000 is what I saw worked best
    -ar auto_refresh - this is the amount of seconds between a refresh on the browser so that the pokes stay up to date. 

Here are all the arguments though. These are taken straight from the code example.

    ('-a','--auth_service',type=str.lower,help='Auth Service',default='ptc')
    ('-i','--ignore',help='Comma-separated list of Pokémon names or IDs to ignore')
    ('-o','--only',help='Comma-separated list of Pokémon names or IDs to search')
    ("-ar","--auto_refresh",help="Enables an autorefresh that behaves the same as a page reload. " +
     "Needs an integer value for the amount of seconds")
    ('-dp','--display-pokestop',help='Display pokéstop',action='store_true',default=False)
    ('-dg','--display-gym',help='Display Gym',action='store_true',default=False)
    ('-H','--host',help='Set web server listening host',default='')
    ('-P','--port',type=int,help='Set web server listening port',default=5000)
    ("-L","--locale",help="Locale for Pokemon names: default en,check locale folder for more options",default="en")
    ("-ol","--onlylure",help='Display only lured pokéstop',action='store_true')
    ('-c','--china',help='Coordinates transformer for China',action='store_true')
    ("-pm","--ampm_clock",help="Toggles the AM/PM clock for Pokemon timers",action='store_true',default=False)
    ('-d','--debug',help='Debug Mode',action='store_true')

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