For the first time in 17 years of playing Pokemon games, I finally filled out a Pokedex! (Plus, I nabbed a few shinys!)

in #pokemon7 years ago

So, as you can tell from the title I just wanted to make a quick post celebrating (If you could call it that I guess) the fact that I finally after many, many attempts managed to fill a pokedex on a Pokemon game. I've gotten close several times in the past, but something always happened where I could just never get them finished. I believe the last time I got close, it was on Pokemon Ruby and I was only around 30ish away from filling it. 

Now, I'm not saying this was a bucket list item or anything like that. But, I definitely have always tried to do it with each game I played over the years. However, I finally did it on Pokemon Moon! And, it only took me around 150 hours! (Though some of that was from shiny hunting as well :P)

Voila, the proof!

You also get a random stamp on your trainer book, though I'm not even sure if people online that you interact with can find this. So, unless you're a huge fan of digital stamps, I'm not sure how important this is for you. 

Hopefully this isn't cringy to anyone on here, or at least too cringy, but I just wanted to post about it since it's something I've been trying to do for close to 20 years now. I also got pretty lucky and in the midst of collecting and filling up my pokedex, I happened to stumble upon some shiny pokemon, which also happened to be a first of mine while playing any pokemon game. It's gotten to the point now where I'm shiny hunting for several hours a day when I get to play, because it can be pretty damn challenging. But, here's what I've been able to get so far! 

The first one I got was basically a freebie, to be honest. They were giving away this shiny version of Tapu Koko for a few weeks and I got lucky and got in before the deadline. Still, it's at least a nice looking shiny if nothing else. 

This shiny Raticate is actually the first shiny pokemon that I have ever found in the wild, and I actually got lucky enough to find him while I was just grinding out levels for the Pokemon league which was a 1/4096 chance. And, apparently I should have bought some lottery tickets that day in real life, because about an hour after I caught him one of my pokemon got the Pokerus virus which is a even rarer thing to find in the game coming in at a 1/12228 chance.

The next one I found from just messing around on the Exeggutor Island. I battled a trainer randomly inside of a Pokemon Center, which I didn't even realize could happen, and he happened to have a shiny Exeggcute. So, I decided screw you guy, I'm going to get my own. I honestly was surprised on how quick I lucked out on this one, I think it only took me about an hour of S.O.S. chaining to find him which was my fastest time not including the Raticate. 

This is another pokemon that I ended up finding while I was trying to finish up the pokedex. I was hunting for a metal coat on Magnemite's so I could get my Scyther evolved into Scizor, and after I got it I decided to S.O.S. chain some Meowths just to try my luck in that area. I actually didn't have to wait too long before I found this shiny, because about 90 minutes into chaining he popped up.

And, finally, the latest shiny I found. The amount of time I sunk into trying to find this one was staggering. I can definitely say my luck must have ran out with the past few, because I probably put about 17-19 hours between several days on finding this red Gyarados. Thankfully while at the Brooklet Hill location I finally stumbled upon this guy.

 I truly have a disdain now for Magikarp, and I think if I had to read "Splash" every few seconds again, I might slip away into the depths of madness and set fire to my 3DS. (I'm not even sure if I'm kidding here) If anyone out there who likes to draw could draw a trainer beating a Magikarp with a stick, I would be soooooo happy. 

 I do have to say, I think this is probably the most classic shiny pokemon out there however, and it definitely is my favorite. It gives me a nostalgia throwback to when I played Pokemon Silver/Gold and a red Gyarados was part of the story without actually being shiny. 

So, to sum the post up for anyone who didn't feel like reading it all...TLDR; I am super happy that I finally got my pokedex filled out all the way for the first time in nearly 20 years, I got really lucky with some shiny pokemon, and I absolutely hate Magikarp now. 

Also, let me apologize for the quality of the photo's I have used here. I wanted to use screenshots originally, however, the 3DS does not allow this for Pokemon Sun and Moon apparently. So, I had to settle with taking "decent" quality photo's using my phone. Maybe in the future if I do another Pokemon post with either my shiny collection results, or a future game, I'll be able to afford a capture card where I could have high res stuff for you guys. 

Anyways, thanks for checking out my post! Hope you could endure me nerding out a bit and sharing something silly that I got a little excited about! 


A lifetime's accomplishment =D
I'm now returning to GBA Pokemon, I miss it!

Oh, man. Same here, buddy! I've got the digital version of Pokemon Yellow that I've been itching to get back on to play through another time. Really wish I had some of the older games like Silver and Ruby still.

You can always get it to your smartphone ;)

Yeah, I did that before. I ended up playing crystal on my phone while I had a stomach virus and was puking everywhere with a fever. I ended up breaking my phone because I fell asleep with it and it fell onto a wooden floor and in the midst of sleeping I had to get up to run to the bathroom and I fucking stepped on it.

So, I'll probably stay away from doing that again just so I don't jinx myself in some way, lol.

That sounds like the argument of a bad movie! But maybe just avoid emulators while nauseous, to be safe.

Nice shiny's and congrats on completing the pokedex ^^

i love Pokemon too <3 @deadspace :)

If only I could catch a shiny magikarp in pokemon go and evolve it into shiny gyrados. That would make my pokemon go experience one step closer to being complete.

Yeah, you have no idea how happy I was to find that red Gyarados. I was just hoping to get a shiny Magikarp to evolve into it, but thank god I just found it, lol.

Holy fucking shit, you just about gave me a heart attack @blocktrades

xD lol

Also, just as a heads up in case you ever get one of them, apparently you cannot get Mew in Pokemon Sun and Moon. But, they allow you to get Mewtwo still, which makes total Didn't wanna spam up your DM's on the chat, but I thought this was kinda lame. Mew is the OG legendary and I think it's ridiculous he's unattainable but his counterpart totally is.

I was fucking serious, bro, lol. I've never even come close to making this much on a post before, I legit gasped and was beyond shocked to find this when I got home from my doctor appointment. I consider making $10 on a post to be excellent most of the time, haha.

This post has received a 2.49 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @deadspace.

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