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RE: "Friendship" (poem) >>> A Toast To Those Who Make Life Worth Living

in #poetsunited6 years ago

I like this poem, friendship is a good topic to think about and contemplate. They can help us, guide us, entertain us and in times of need provide support. I was always a bit of a loner, growing up on an isolated farm made me that way. I moved at age 10 into a town, and made school and then University friends - I still keep in touch with some but rarely seem them. Nowadays I'm just happy doing my own thing, I always was the happiest in my own company. I still get out and do things, work mostly drives that - but I could quite happily be a little hermit sat alone with my own thoughts. It's funny how our early life and experience can form the plan for the rest of our lives.



It's funny ... I'm both. My daughter says I'm the ultimate extrovert and yet I, too, enjoy spending long hours alone thinking. I got rid of my cellphone years ago because it kept interrupting my trains of thought. In any event, whenever you feel like shooting the sh*t, you know where to find me. Open invite.

Speaking of speaking, I've got a couple of technical question I'd like to run by you in private. My DM'ing skills are minimal ... I haven't yet figured out how to DM anyone with whom I haven't yet DM'd. I'm 50.
Is there any chance you could DM me? My phone number, or whatever it's called, on Discord is QuillFire #7038.

Talk again soon.

I'm not much use with Discord myself, but I think we need to be on the same server to then DM. Join this one it's always handy to have a few servers in your list - especially one's where you can leave your post links in Post Promotion.

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