Silent Scream [poetry]

in #poetryslam7 years ago


Silent Scream

(A poetry flow)
Where it goes who knows.
Just let it flow in a #poetryslam
This is not my usual positive poetry just a fair [warning]

I've been breaking at the seams
raising up inside of me
everything I aim to be
Ive fallen short
hear it now in a Silent Scream

Almost in your dreams
lost was everything

I'm not apart of this
you are not a part of bliss

How are we waking up to this

Times are changing
The walls are falling
We are crawling
Helping is futile
Don't let it crush you this could take awhile
There is nothing more you can do

Its falling like leaves
Sticking like glue

Times are truly changing
Can we walk on water
Can we start it all over
Turning the hands
From forward to back
I don't think it works like that

Is the world breaking free
Or are we suffering
Times are changing
Flipped upside down and rearranging


Sip your teas
find your peace
We can't control everything
And yes its happening
All around
Here the sound

Find the Music of your life
Something positive to fight the strife

I'm rolling out these emotions
Like silent screams
Its not some scheme
To mess with your dreams
But all I see is like laser beams
Falling from the sky

Do you ever wonder why

Pop the pill 💊
Netflix and chill
Moving on because its our own free will

How do you stay positive when everything is on fire
burning right in front of your eyes its turning
To ashes
Rose colored glasses
Melted from the heat
Wake up dont scream defeat

Like a sonic boom
From across the room
I'll just sit here and scream with you
What else are you going to do

Staring at your own reflection
until your uncomfortable and seek protection
I will assume you already know
The awakening is starting to show
As we pass each other with our respects
We seek bliss and in words we do this

You see
I've been breaking at the seams
Its raising up inside of me
everything i aim to be
fallen short and I Silently Scream

Can you feel the pressures increasing
How do you cope how are you releasing

All I can say is
Poetry saves lives
We are alive today
But maybe gone tomorrow
Don't dry your eyes let it fill with sorrow

Judge the judges and the jury
I'm here to release my fury
No I can't stop now
No one even showed me how

And there is only to one god I will bow

I'm imperfect
You are too
So what do we do
Do we support one another or do I judge you too

I'm done now that was fun Because life is not always sunshine and rainbows. So That was my poetry slam Signing off saying if you would like to follow and start this hash tag #poetryslam Let's feed one another words as the world turns

express yourself

Stay positive
Your alive
Stay happy
Your a soul
Find your utopia
And let go
I hope the best for you
Be well be true

I'm Jason Arnold (@krazypoet)

“If a man should live many years, let him enjoy them all.”.

A positive, joyful attitude helps to keep us strong and promotes peace and unity.

Stay positive and constructive even during tough times and keep working towards something better.

“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.”

Thanks for stopping by and reading
Much Love to all & be well


Stay Positive

This is the way to steem on




God, thats an awesome poem, pretty long an deep, loved it. @krazypoet

Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed it, I was having an episode and released some strong thoughts and feelings into it. be well @john-with-a-fon

thats deep and powerful you have a real way with writing

Agreed, keep plugging along bro..... A+

Thanks so much my friends, will do guys. be well

youbto be well

I can't believe I actually read that whole thing. I enjoyed it. I write poetry, but I don't think I could, not yet anyway, write one so long that would keep the attention of everyone reading it. Upvoting.

Cool Bro awesome I'm glad you were able to read it all I didn't even realize it was that long whenever I was doing it but it ended up being long and was not sure how it would come across. Awesome I'll check out your work bro. Thanks so much @johnwjr7

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