
"No masters on this spirit plane,
beyond the shepherds and the sheep."

When we are just too busy to steer our own life, and we switch over to autopilot - life tends to loose a lot of face!

I was thinking I missed this week’s deadline but it looks like it’s moved to a new time. I’ve not been much on a poetry binge as of late.

Glad to see you are still keeping it up! It is interesting viewing the impact technology has had on society over time. Yet at end of the day we all just wish for some peace and silence.

It's almost like all of these things we own are actually owning us. ; )

They do for some people with how much debt they take on and the rest of their life they spend trying pay it off.

This is cool. I always struggle with the dice, you always make it roll and seem so easy.
Very nice

I love your poetry and scrawling. :)
p.s. Coffee and Philosophy returned in a more vocal format.

Tell me you have dtubed rap or spoken word. Please. I just scrolled through quickly but didn't spot it.

Not yet, but it's somewhere on the list of things to do. :)

Sweet! I can't wait to see / hear you.

I'm always impressed by those who manage to include 9 prompts and a main theme into such brevity! Do it with rhyme... that's an extra challenge.

I do love how you incorporated the main theme and one of the prompts in the "Don't be afraid to heed the call". It's quite similar to my approach to the theme. We must listen to ourselves before anything else.

Nice poem It is subtle and emotional.
Congratulations @clayboyn.

I love it and I love the writing style. And message received, Thank You For Your Entry @clayboyn.

The answers we seek lie within;
Don't be afraid to heed the call.



Excellent words @clayboyn. Pretty cool poem.

that's quite a well thought poem , keep up the talent i will be sure to check out her blog.

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