
Nice one mang, great initiative :) updooted and reteemed :)

@amethystmidnight you write some great poetry should consider entering some of these challenges.

This was on point. Flawless. Great rhythm. Sometimes, I wish I had your skill.

Thanks for the high praise! :)

i dig this, nice skill.

That's it... this will be added to the @helpie constitution!! its freaking brilliant

The top of the blog post is a picture of a dreamy color. The poem of the blog post is a dream expectation of Steem.


“One STEEM will still be worth one STEEM next week” - this line is classic Clay, I love it!

We have to remember to enjoy our constants where they come. :)

Most definitely, very well said mate! I enjoyed the whole poem but that last line was the icing on the cake for me. Good luck in the competition

Thanks bro, usually I just join it for fun and to help get the word out, but I've won a few too. I'm hoping we some more entrants this week!

"It's no easy game, the scales are tilted; / Comparing payouts leaves us all jilted." Haha that's why I try not to compare payouts.

"When the price gets low and the pond runs dry, / minnows start to burn out, we all know why." Times are rough right now and some users did bleed off but the ones who are sticking around seem to be interested in making content and it is easier to find them now. I don't know if I am seeing something that isn't there but I seem to see less spammy BS floating around lately.

Things will get better, I think. Plus there is opportunity for those of us who stick around. The payouts kind of suck relative to how they were a few months ago (though I have actually had a good few weeks despite that thanks in part to you curating my post the other day). I am getting more attention than I was back then, my SP is building faster, and I am finding other good content creators much more easily.

As a side note, I tried to post this comment earlier but it gave me some error message. If the other one shows up later and you get a duplicate, I will come back by and delete it.

We seem to be having some sort of lag right now.

It does make sense why you see less of the garbage posts when the price drops though. Ultimately if we're all making significantly less USD, many of the people that were spamming on multiple accounts to horde all of their pennies have no option to make money at the moment. there's a .02 dust limit on transactions, so if they can't make at least that much, they earn nothing. That being said, it's kind of sad that there is probably some legit content out there trying to break that .02 dust threshold, but all we can do is try to find it and support them.

Truth. I can't give more that that limit at the moment (I might be close if I could actually let my vote power recharge like I keep failing to do lol) but I try to, at least leave, a nice comment or something. I also delegated to canna-curate so now I can recommend weed related posts for a little upvote from them so I try use that when I see something that fits into their scope of content and needs a little more love than I can give.

Wow, you completely covered every part of this week's theme. I love the poem as I do all your poems. You should really take time to write more poetry @clayboyn. Thank you for your entry.

Nice! Poetic perspective, lol!

Hello, wonderful explanation in rhymed verse about the value of the currency, we hope to upload more ... Thanks for sharing. I vote for you I humbly invite you to visit my profile and support me ... Thank you.

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