"Poetry Dice Challenge #33 - My Entry

in #poetrydice6 years ago (edited)


Life does play me to and fro,
Like a racquet does to a tennis ball.
I wished for time to move fast,
And skip the part in which I suffer,
Life and death I have weighed on a scale,
I would rather choose death come what may.

I'm at a crossroad now,
And there's no turning back,
I could just make a couple of jumps down this tall building,
But I need not rush things,
Death is just a bridge distance from me.
I'm like a fish outside water gasping for breath,
Anchored by a thin life thread.

I have been through a lot,
Made many right and wrong turn,
Once walked the rainbow to dine with the stars,
Lived life like a perfect gentleman.
Will I now bask in the happiness of yesterday,
While my hope for a better tomorrow is suspended in space?

Tell it to the hand,
Are destinies in accordance with the lines of the palm?
Life is suddenly a twist,
Where good and evil coexist.
There were once happy memories,
That my pain keeps surpressing,
Maybe once, I danced on the beach by moonlight
Not that I could remember, indeed time flies.

As I approach the fortress of death,
Could hear approaching footsteps,
I wore the brightest smile,
It's time for me and life to severe ties.
Finally, this is happiness to me
A ticket to go places of my dream.


Written and Compiled
Image source: courtesy of @rensoul17

This is my entry for the poetry dice contest and here is the link; https://steemit.com/poetrydice/@rensoul17/welcome-to-the-poetry-dice-challenge-33


Really great entry! Cheers!

Thanks @robyneggs, i'm glad you liked it!

It's kind of dark. It makes me wonder if you are okay, I hope you are good and in a good place. If you ever need to talk or reach out and do it in a private setting you can reach out to me in my tribe on discord. My other job is that of a life coach. Here is your invite to the discord channel. And thank you @aduragbemi. https://discord.gg/KmEBvSH

Yea! I know it's pretty dark, i'm kind of viewing things in a depressed man's perspective. I saw the prize you sent. Thanks @rensoul17

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