Steemit Poetry Contest #15 | Night | Repeating Memories

in #poetrycontest6 years ago (edited)

Under a black cloud
We are scrambling longing.
Your long fingers
Which I used to feel at home
Busy disguising joy

Two cups of tea had drained me.
Shop-town throughout the city
Has closed the door

The rain was invaded.
Originally freckled then hardened,
Flowering the flowers.

After a long rain
We hold onto the tagan
Towards the monument terminal

Shadow of the night lights
Blur in the water,
Where your face is reflected.

On the terminal bench
We sit side by side.
Night ripened by silence
We breathe deeply.

You look at a ticket on my lap
As new sadness
That will undermine your loyalty

The bus is about to arrive ...

I looked at the curled fingers.
I'd love to kiss your fingers
Put it between my cheeks
Before the terminal is swallowed
Before I leave you;


Mengulang Kenangan

Dibawah awan berwarna hitam
kita berebut rindu.
jari-jarimu yang panjang
yang dulu betah kupandang
sibuk menyamarkan sukacita

dua gelas teh telah habis ku minum.
toko-kota disepanjang kota
telah menutup pintu

hujan pun menyerbu.
semula rintik lalu menderas,
menempias bunga-bunga.

seusai hujan yang panjang
kita berpegangan tagan
menuju terminal tugu

bayangan lampu-lampu malam
mengabur di paluh air,
di mana wajahmu turut terpantul.

di bangku terminal
kita duduk bersisian.
malam ranum oleh keheningan
kita menghirupnya dalam-dalam.

kau tatap selembar tiket di pangkuanku
sebagai kesedihan yang baru
yang bakal meruntuhkan kesetiaanmu

bus sebentar lagi akan tiba ...

kupandangi jari-jari yang bergelung.
aku ingin sekali mencium jari-jarimu
menaruhnya di antara kedua pipiku
sebelum terminal ini ditelan sunyi
sebelum aku meninggalkanmu;



Fantastic slice of life poem. It captures a larger world in a moment.

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