Steemit Poetry Contest #15 ~ Remain... ~ Poetry written by Anna-Mi

in #poetrycontest7 years ago (edited)

Starry lights.
Heavy rain.
And we are all alone.

I hear heartbeat in every vein.
Just hang with me. Stay.
Drop the doubt.
You feel the divine flame

Burning heart in my chest.
His warmth is enough for two of us.
Heart stops. The darkness overshadows the starlight.


Звездные огни.
Теплый дождь.
И мы совсем одни.

Сердцебиение я слышу в каждой вене.
Побудь еще со мной. Не уходи.
Отбрось сомнения.
Ты чувствуешь божественное пламя
Сжигает сердце у меня в груди.
Его тепла нам хватит на двоих.
Замолкает сердце. Тьма затмевает звездные огни.


This is my entry in @terrycraft's Steemit Poetry Contest 15

Rules of The Contest!

  • Only one entry is allowed.

  • Your entry-post must be tagged both #poetry and #poetrycontest

  • The Title must be "SteemitPoetryContest #(with the number of the actual episode)" + the name of your poem.

  • You can use any types of rhyme - End rhyme, Cross rhyme, Internal etc.

  • The size of the poem - three quatrains (one quatrain = four lines).

  • Do not steal! The contest is only original works!


I'm sad that I can only read the English translation, would love to enjoy this piece of poetry in the original tongue, but alas, was not meant to be.

Regardless, @anna-mi, enjoyed your story here - the ever flowing contest between light and dark always lends itself to the poetic mind and metaphors of passion, love, life and death - all featured to great effect here.

Thank you for sharing this balancing poem, was a pleasant read.


Thank You. I try to translate more artistically, but unfortunately my knowledge of English is not good enough for that.

You translated well enough for me to get everything I imparted above, @anna-mi, and for this to be a second language, your knowledge of English is better than you give it credit for because this poem works well as a translation.

I just always believe that a little something, no matter how perfect a translation, will always be lost in the conversion of one language to another. Even so, I truly did appreciate and enjoy the read and am very happy you shared the link in @teamgirlpowa so that I could enjoy the read.

Thank you so much both for the poem and the response, @anna-mi, I think you're doing great work!

Many thanks!

My heart beats for this.

Thank you so much for that answer.

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