Orion - Poetry Bounty

in #poetrybounty5 years ago

Image by sl1990 at Pixabay

I've only written twice poetry in Steemit. I've never seen anything like this, writing depending on what the song inspires you (To my dear friend who loves to poke chickens).

This is my entry for Poetry Bounty - Jökull by @bananafish

Music Prompt & Video Attribution:
"Jökull (Metal Version)" by Alexander Nakarada
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0
Music promoted by Song Selections

The song inspires many things, but I will give a title to my poem to limit it and shape it.


Oh, my constellation, my anchor.
No matter where I am
Your twinkling diamonds calm my loneliness
Sweet Crystals That Taste like Home

I see you from where you dwell
You are the constant and the perpetual
Seven stars that have kept me company
How many times have you seen me
How many lives have I had

You were before me.
And you'll be there after I'm gone.
And you'll be here by the time I get back.

Who else do you comfort?
Who else do you give home flavor to?
I'm sure you know where my other half is.
What's taking so long?

I wonder if from where you're standing
There's another soul wondering the same thing
Looking down from there
To this infinitesimal little blue ball

So, If you want to participate in this contest (I guess there’s time to do it) go to:


Keep spreading the Steemit love

Thanks for passing by!


You gave us a taste of the stars, Jadams! As the music prompt was a journey, you gave us an adventure of thought. How many lives have the constellation seen come and gone? What wonders and secrets lie within those seven?

I wonder if from where you're standing
There's another soul wondering the same thing

So many have thought this while staring up into the expanse.

Fantastic closing lines as the little blue ball keeps spinning and on the wonderer waits while being watched over from above.

Hello there, @brisby

The universe is enormous, makes us see how small we are.

Thanks for commenting

Nice poem, Orion seems like a beautiful star. Its good stuff to watch the skies at nights and early morning, so awe inspiring.

I'm glad you liked it

Thanks for passing by

It reminds me of my favorite movie actually, its Stardust. You should see the movie its dashed funny, romantic, fairytailsh and in the end good happens. It's based on a book for adults as its a adult fairytail but I don't like the book as its very dark, the movie is really good. And people who like stars and adventure, space and romance will like it I think. Oh...the best part is the prate ship guy, he is so funny, he caughes lightening and is stressed to maintain the reputation of being a fierce pirate but he is the sweetest soul above clouds and space.

Yes! I know the movie! one of my favorites, too


The expression here is so elegant and beautiful. There is an undercurrent of solidarity with the stars, and resonance with the lonely lights in the sky, that swells up in my heart as I read it. The cool, calm comfort of the stars, so far away, yet always there, just creates just a haunting image. This is a fine example of how a picture may say a thousand words, but a few words can create a thousand impressions.

The last line in that first verse holds so very much, it evokes a flick book of memories as the stars become crystals, sweetened by moments of youth, nights back home spent looking up at the stars. That is almost a title worthy line there ;)

The idea of this endless, timeless thing watching over you, and the image of you looking up, your eyes finding the same seven points in the night sky time after time, it feels like the symmetry of connection felt in the music. The way you blend both projection and reflection creates this blend of wonder and curiosity, your signature provocation managed to sneak in there as i found myself reflecting a little on me as I read this.

The way you ponder the lifetimes witnessed through the stars, and the life that may be up there looking back. The knowledge that from a detached perspective, may seem so obvious, yet to you, from within your own life, seem unknowable, or from your own timeline seem to be taking forever. You create a bond of connection and closeness, where somehow it feels like there is a personal meaning in the stars, and yet at the same time, you bring in an objective sense of wonder.

Maybe you should be trying more poetry!


You have a very peculiar (beautifully descriptive?) way of expressing yourself through your comments (words) that I have never seen before. I really take my hat off to you. It's an expression we have here when we admire a person's ability.

You inspire me to keep writing, thank you very much. You are the fuel of my writer's engine

I did accidentally give you a double just in that ;) but thank you very much <3 I wish i could plug into my thoughts directly, they slip away from me before i get chance to write them down and i have pondered on these poems so much.

Awww thank you <3 I tip my tin foil hat to you (i would take it off as a sign of mutual respect but then the aliens might start irradiating my brain waves with their crazy tin foil hat conspiracy theories)


I did accidentally give you a double just in that

I don't understand that... 👀

I wish i could plug into my thoughts directly, they slip away from me before i get chance to write them down and i have pondered on these poems so much.

Do as some writers do, use a tape recorder. Well, maybe they don't exist nowadays, but for sure you have a cell phone. That also works.

And if not, use a little notebook.

Cheers 😄

"just" creates "just" a haunting image

Double just ;)

use a tape recorder

haha that is underestimating how jumbled and fast my thoughts move, my mouth can't keep up, my hands have a better chance lol plus these thoughts strike me at the worst times. Half way through a phone call with a customer.

"Please hold, yes.... you I do know who you are... and yes... i know how very important you are... I am still processing your order, but i had this wonderful thought about a poem I read two weeks and I simply must write it down immediately" haha

It isn't so bad for me, part of the joy in reflection is letting the musing a poem evokes wash over me like the warm ocean shallows in the lazy summer sun, catching me by surprise, each one greatly appreciated, savored before it slips away. Some things aren't meant to be trapped on paper. Letting each reading bring new waves, or the same waves feeling new, for they weren't held on to, but instead enjoyed for what they meant in the moment. (This is how i justify to myself that having a poor memory just means i get to enjoy a poem so many ways, again and again <3 - I just wish I could capture some of them to tell people how wonderful and inspiring their creations are)


"just" creates "just" a haunting image

Double just ;)

That's the translator's problem, it corrects all and won't let you see the mistakes.

"Please hold, yes.... you I do know who you are... and yes... i know how very important you are... I am still processing your order, but i had this wonderful thought about a poem I read two weeks and I simply must write it down immediately" haha

I don't think you'd last long in that job if you did that kind of thing.

It isn't so bad for me, part ...

ehh.. hmmm... That was so beautiful... I'm Speechless

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