I want to first say Big THANK YOU to @ajremy.
This is my first contest participating in @ajremy contest.


1.) A formation of skin
Walking endlessly to find itself
Along shores and quiet roads
Carrying heart with a heavy soul

A formation of skin, that's complete body. human being
Walking endlessly to find itself means Finding means of life i.e Looking for ways to survive the hardship of life
Along shores and quiet roads both day and night

2.) With nothing to feel
Living a life surreal
No turning points;
Nor twisting roads

With nothing to feel for the person to self determine on the path of survival without another think of losing or achieve
Living a life surreal I.e living life of striving Hard to Survive in life
No turning points path it never think of stopping or relaxing never to relent
Nor twisting roads taking single way straight forward without stopping by or take short cut of life to survive.

3.) Silence fills the mind
Realization come to bind
Everything is but;
An emptiness inside

Silence fills the mind after lots of trying and fail you felt bad
Realization come to bind You now realizeed what everything is just for nothing
but an emptiness inside, vanity upon vanity life is nothing but all at the end is EMPTINESS

Thanks @ajremy for this amazing contest and also appreciate @tony-duke


Thank For Viewing...

Still your little boy @gprince


Thanks for the entry bro...

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