or on the other hand the manner in which it turns up like an prodigal
who returns to the residue at your feet
having wasted a fortune far away.
And, in what manner can you not pardon?
You make a dining experience out of appreciation for what
was lost, and assume from its position the best
article of clothing, which you put something aside for an event
you couldn't envision, and you sob night and day
to realize that you were not deserted,
that happiness spared its most extraordinary structure
for only you.
No, happiness is the relative you never
thought about, who flies a solitary motor plane
onto the green runway, bums a ride
into town, and asks at each entryway
until he discovers you sleeping mid afternoon
as you so regularly are during the unmerciful
hours of your misery.
It goes to the priest in his cell.
It goes to the lady cleaning the hall way
with a birch sweeper, to the kid
whose mother has gone out from beverage.
It goes to the sweetheart, to the pooch biting
a sock, to the pusher, to the crate creator,
what's more, to the representative stacking jars of carrots
in the night.
It even goes to the rock
in the unending shade of pine barrens,
to rain falling on the vast ocean,
to the wineglass, tired of holding wine
This post can also be found on my whaleshares blog
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