The circle that binds me - El círculo que me ata - 100 days of Poetry - Day 89

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)
Greetings, Steemians and companions from #steemitschoolpoetry. I bless the good of being able to share with you this day 89 in the direction of 100 days of Poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the challenge summoned by #steemitschool and @d-pend. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: The Killers - Human

"Life begins where you finish your comfort zone"

The circle that binds me

Being anchored for a long time
in the same mental place,
It is not productive, it kills
and it always leaves you closer than close.
It's like throwing an old clock in the river,
it drowns, it does not float.

The world is a chaotic place,
it endangers our psyche
and the only dangerous thing in the world
it is our comfort circle.

The one that binds your feet,
close your eyes and opens them
just so you cry.

The one that encloses you on an island in the sea
and embroider you with a needlefish on an algae loom.

"Better is the known
that the unknown",
that is a lie.
You never know
if something cool is waiting for you
in the corner.

Dare to jump out the window,
do more than dream in bed.

Lose yourself in the hiding places of the universe.
Touch the tail of a comet.
Light a star.

Do not say that it scares you to fly,
Fear does not exist.
It is only energy that you feed,
do not give him a meal, make him a diet.

Track, run, jump, fly,
But, no ponds.
Move forward, it's life, not a well of luck.
Release the rope.

I choose to leave my comfort zone,
if not to fight,
at least to be responsible
and to understand what: my scream,
my teeth grinding, my heartbeat, my tear,
is is part of the circle that ties me.

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes. Bendigo el bien de poder compartir con ustedes este día 89 en dirección a 100 días de Poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el desafío convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste.
"La vida comienza donde termina tu zona de confort"


El círculo que me ata

Estar anclado por un largo tiempo
en el mismo lugar mental,
No es productivo, mata
y siempre te deja más cerca que cerca.
Es como tirar un viejo reloj en el río,
se ahoga, no flota.

El mundo es un lugar caótico,
pone en peligro nuestra psique
y la única cosa peligrosa en el mundo
en verdad, es nuestro círculo de confort.

El que te ata los pies
y cierra tus ojos y te los abre
sólo para que llores.

El que te encierra en una isla en el mar
y te borda con un pez aguja en un telar de algas.

"Mejor es lo conocido
que lo desconocido",
una gran mentira.
Nunca sabes
si algo genial te está esperando
en la esquina.

Atrévete a saltar por la ventana,
haz más que soñar en la cama.

Piérdete en los escondrijos del universo.
Toca la cola de un cometa.
Enciende una estrella.

No digas que te asusta volar,
El miedo no existe.
Es solo energía que tú alimentas.
No le des de comer, ponlo a dieta.

Gatea, corre, camina , vuela,
pero, no te estanques.
Muévete, es la vida, no un pozo de suerte.
Suelta la cuerda.

Yo elijo salir de mi zona de confort,
si no para luchar,
al menos para ser responsable
y entender que mi chillido,
mi rechinar de dientes, mi latido, mi lágrima
es parte del círculo que me ata.

Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes: III

Source of images:

4-Comfort zone
6-Comfort output
7-Life is Beautiful

June 04 , 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the #steemitschool Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


Mejor expresado, imposible, mi querida @zeleiracordero . Siempre hay que atreverse e intentarlo, así como tú te atreviste a este reto que ya casi culmina con mucho éxito. por aquí sigo y ya en la recta final contigo, amiga. Un abrazo!

¡Muchísimas gracias, apreciada compañera de viaje!

Nice motivation today, thank you . I'll come back to this. Touch the tail of a comet. interesting line. I hope to see you step out of your comfort zone and and get in the zone of making that book;)

Ha, ha, ha, I wrote this thinking of your words, dear friend. The comfort zone that nests us and discourages us. You are so right, but it is so easy to get carried away by the current, without fighting ;)

Nice!! Glad my words could inspire even greater words.
Very easy to stick to what we know but every great person stepped out of the comfort to into the unknown to find their true bliss.

You nailed this mate!

Comfort zone is a Mirage, it creates a smokescreen in our face making us think it's the best for us. But daring ourselves to go for greater heights is rather the best for us.

You have some interesting lines here.. These are my favourite

The one that encloses you on an island in the sea
and embroider you with a needlefish on an algae loom.

Cheers! Keep Steeming!

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