Only stars on the way - Sólo estrellas por camino- 100 days of Poetry - Day 90

in #poetry6 years ago
Greetings, Steemians and companions from #steemitschoolpoetry. I bless the good of being able to share with you this day 90 in the direction of 100 days of Poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the challenge summoned by #steemitschool and @d-pend. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: Grace Vanderwaal -light the sky

"Change your thoughts and you will change your world"

Only stars on the way

It is so ephemeral that moment when it rubs
the magic of a torment with the calm of a color
and yet, we concentrate on the flower
          of a sun dying, hiding his pain
               in a star.

Nailing our mistakes to the sky
it is a crime that does not prescribe,
it's a hell with glory costume
           bringing us back a monster
               with long teeth.

The human game activated with a compass
disjointed, only road stars.
    You got lost?
        Get back to look for you!

There are thousands of eyes
inside our darkness.
        Life is there, do not stay.
                Take my hand, I go to your side.

It is almost cruel to repeat and repeat
the same songs, the same verses,
        the same prayers. He knows he's in heaven,
            you do not say anything new.

That you just want to dream?
        Then, enjoy your dream!
                ¡I am going on a trip!

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes. Bendigo el bien de poder compartir con ustedes este día 90 en dirección a 100 días de Poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el desafío convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste.

"Cambia tus pensamientos y cambiarás tu mundo"


Sólo estrellas por camino

Es tan efímero ese momento en que roza
lo mágico de un tormento con la calma de un color
y, sin embargo, nos concentramos en la flor
de un sol muriendo, escondiendo su dolor
en una estrella.

Clavarle al cielo nuestros desaciertos
es un crimen que no prescribe,
es un infierno con disfraz de gloria
trayéndonos de regreso un monstruo
con largos dientes.

El juego humano activado con brújula
desarticulada. Sólo estrellas por camino.
¿Te perdiste?
¡Devuélvete a buscarte!
Hay miles de ojos
dentro de nuestras tinieblas.
La vida está allá, no te quedes.
Toma mi mano, yo voy a tu lado.

Es casi cruel repetir y repetir
las mismas canciones, los mismos versos,
las mismas oraciones. Él sabe que está en el cielo,
no le dices nada nuevo.

¿Que sólo quieres soñar?
¡Entonces, disfruta tu sueño!
¡Yo voy a emprender un viaje!

Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes: III

Source of images:

2-Beginning of a beginning
3-Sky of stars
4-Road in the sky
5-At the end of the tunnel

June 05 , 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the #steemitschool Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


For me I see the frustration of dealing with conservative or orthodoxy Christianity lost in the same old traditions and holding on to a dream of the future without understanding how to get there or ever really taking the time to exlore themselves and see the darkness they live in.

I’m with you. Let’s go on a trip.

Thanks for the visit, dear @firststeps and thank you for that assertive comment and support on this trip.

Ready for a trip lets back our bags and go:)

That you just want to dream?
Then, enjoy your dream!
¡I am going on a trip!

well said

Likewise! Thanks for visiting me, I appreciate it, @dmilliz.

Stars (also flowers) as the ‘paint-by-numbers’ poetry toolkit, always mesmerize poets for centuries. The poet suggests, an individual must only choose “something” like a star, not necessarily the star itself.

Good job, @zeleiracordero amiga

This poem is my weekly find

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