Late Night Confessions

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

‪And I pray that I may forget ‬
‪These matters that with myself I too much discuss‬
‪Too much explain‬
‪Teach us to care and not to care ‬
‪Teach us to sit still.‬

‪—T.S. Eliot, “Ash Wednesday” ‬

Cryptic Regrets

Because of circumstances,
sad and intimate,
he has missed
the privilege of being there

O, but the heart,
ever-hungry for scraps
in the form of infrequent pictures,
presses against these one-way mirrors

Watching and sighing as they develop,
mysteriously, in a dark room—
and despite a bitter past, hoping
for a brighter, better future...

—Yahia Lababidi (May 22, 2018)


this is stunning

Many thanks, new friend, for your sensitivity and generosity of spirit

Always hoping for that “brighter, better future…” Hope and gratitude are the only ways to let love in and release that bitter past.

Amen. Working on that 🙏🏼

I see a man who chose frivolity over fatherhood and now regrets his choice. It is a predictable outcome. But the young are drawn to different energies ... generally ... than the home and hearth. Isn't odd that when we are most fertile we are often the least emotionally equipped for parenthood? Attentive parenting takes a lot and I think most people underestimate the care to give and change you must accept. For some, it is easier to walk away and leave it to someone else. In some cases, this is kindest choice; in other cases, it is nothing but neglect.

With regrets ... we need to understand the past cannot be recreated and one cannot eat the cake she did not prepare.

O, but the heart,
ever-hungry for scraps
in the form of infrequent pictures,
presses against these one-way mirrors

A bittersweet write. I hope for your watcher that he finds meaning in what surrounds him and not simply 'infrequent photos":) As the saying goes, love the one/s you are with. Be present:)

Interesting readout, this, especially is a good point:

Isn't odd that when we are most fertile we are often the least emotionally equipped for parenthood?

But, overall, it's a harsh and judgmental interpretation of this piece, thus limited. The poem is about a more complicated situation, where it is not so easy to wag a moral finger, or lay facile blame for neglect or missed opportunities. Sure, be present but, sometimes, this means being present to pain with tenderness.

There was no judgement intended ... what I described was a common pattern in humanity. There is no moral judgement just an understanding that certain energies/behavioural patterns can grip people when they are young and they behave not understanding how they will feel when they are older. Then they look back and suffer over what they wish had been different. If anything I have compassion for this individual, but they will continue to suffer for as long as they continue to look back. I would have them move forward and concentrate on loving the people around them. That is not judgement but well-wishes.

They could not have done differently. We are what has come before ... always. The only changes possible are in this moment to sculpt the future and not in looking back to change the past.

I did not intend any kind of offence or harsh judgement. I would have contentment for this individual and not penance. From my point of view, he is doing penance. But perhaps I have missed something ... I can only respond to the poem and from my point of view.

Only well wishes here:):):) Namaste:)

Of course, you only from your point of view... I'm only saying that you're barking up the wrong tree, here, and condemning imaginary crimes :)

This is more helpful and apt:

They could not have done differently. We are what has come before ... always. The only changes possible are in this moment to sculpt the future and not in looking back to change the past.

Thanks, for all your time & energies _/|\_

Only an interpretation ... poetry is about interpretation ... the photo is of three young girls at the beach and there was talk of photos and experiencing their lives at a distance ... perhaps you might see where my interpretation came from. I do not insist on my interpretation but I do insist ... I do not condemn and did not see any crime ... only human nature.

I apologize for any negativity my behaviour may have contributed to:)

No worries, Pryde. Interpretation & critique is what poems are vulnerable to once we share them with the world (part of the reason I bowed out of 100 day poetry challenge).

Poem is fresh as is the wound it describes, I suppose I was not ready for such strident commentary just yet...

Thanks, for your understanding & have a peaceful day.

Thank you for understanding, Yahia. The tone intended is not always transported over the internet. Just looking to turn the head of this bloke ... I imagined ... to the direction of contentment. But timing and aim are every thing ... it seems my aim and timing were off.

To be honest ... I did not think it was a close tell but more of an observational type thing. Poetry is often about navigating land mines to get to the gold.

Yes ... there doesn't seem to many of us left in the poetry challenge. I wonder if I am the last one at the party but too dizzy to realize I am dancing in a deserted room. Oh well ... too close to the finish line to stop now ... that will be me stumbling across:)

Haha, that is a funny visual — last at party, dizzy... 🤣 Thanks, for much-needed levity.

Please know ... I consider you a friend and am on your side:):):)

I feel the same way & appreciate your warm assurances. It’s just that I go through waves of questioning my time on this platform & this is one of them... Out for a head-clearing walk :)

The hope of a bright future relieves one of a bitter past, we look ahead so we wont stay in the past. Beautiful poetry this white morning

Sigh... Yes. G’day 🙏🏼

Really apprictae your hard work and love your poetry bro ...keep it up

Harder work than you think...

I read your poem,
And I do not really understand about poetry, but I am interested in reading it ..

We are equally lovers of poetry @yahialababidi😍

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