How to Live (Day 7)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

"Everything has been figured out, except how to live."
—Jean-Paul Sartre


What is there to do, here, other than being and becoming. We hope, with the passing of time, the time-release capsule of the years, to better understand our role and what we must do. To develop, grow, mature, become who we are. Naturally lazy, short-sighted, and forgetful, we postpone the hard work of being and becoming, promising ourselves we will take it up, in earnest, in the near future. Assuming that there is one...

There's Still Time

The good that we did not do, the love unspent,
the people we meant to become and did not, yet,
—these are the things that weigh us down
as we realize, all that remains to be done

There's still time, but not much.

A soft steady voice whispers this sage advice:
To avoid the panic of last-minute
preparations, practice readiness.

Imagine every day as your last
a day is a lifetime and a lifetime a day,
in what we can do or what we can say

The lesson will be repeated until it is learned
The lesson will be repeated...

There's still time, but not much.

© Yahia Lababidi

(Images: Pixabay 1, 2)


This is my entry for Day 7 of @d-pend's Big Idea: The 100 Day Poetry Challenge. To join this exciting movement, please, visit Steemit School on discord founded by @Dobartim


"The lesson will be repeated until it's learned." I think that's such an essential and human (can I say?) aphorism that really drove this poem home for me. Great work!

Thank you, C. To use a more pop-culturally, modern reference, I think of life as a video game--we cannot move to the next level, and earn higher rewards, until we clear those lower hurdles, first ;) Cheers!

Ha! Nice :P I feel like I just keep getting beat by the boss and having to start all over :P

A good write, friend..!! 😇

Imagine every day as your last
a day is a lifetime and a lifetime a day,
in what we can do or what we can say

this is the way of living, live every day to its fullest..! 🤗

~Tennis Girl 🎾🎾

Ah, I see the tennis picture is back :D Which means you are practicing what you preach! Glad you enjoyed this, and hope you continue to live life to the fullest, Christinaa :)

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