Art & Commerce—Never the Twain Shall Meet (Day 10)

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)

Grotesque Triste

With labored-breath, the heavy-set beast
lumbered onto the exquisite set
he upset the balance, to say the least
of every fine creature that he met

The short-fingered vulgarian
was all appetite, threw around gold coin
In accent, vaguely Bulgarian,
requested: A sword, a myth and a crown

I want mermaid tail, also unicorn horn!
he bellowed, wildly, from center stage
Fairies gathered their dust, exited forlorn
—the poet paced, alone, in his gilded cage

Some stayed, accepting with deep dismay
the farce of this too-high-price
that seemed required to stage the play,
they bowed, fawned and rolled the dice.

© Yahia Lababidi

(Images: Pixabay 1, 2)


This is my entry for Day 10 of @d-pend's The 100 Day Poetry Challenge. To join the movement, please, visit Steemit School on discord founded by @Dobartim


The delusions and sacrifices people are willing to bear in those with “gold coin” to throw around. Well penned.

It can be disheartening to consider that everyone has a price... Having collaborated in theater & film, as an artist, I know how money men can spoil the integrity of the work -art and commerce worship different gods, so to speak.

It's one thing, if money backs art's vision; but when greed is allowed to call the shots, art's purity is compromised...

Thank you so much for the worthy writing my friend Yahia , you and your work both are essence of steemit <3

Interesting piece and topic! Had to read it a few times! Definite depth and layers that I didn't get on the first read.

Glad you are still here and contributing man :) Always enjoy reading your writings!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Thanks, for taking time with it. ✌🏼

Don’t know how much longer I’ll be, here, taking it one day at a time. Best o luck!

Yeah... best way to take it! Everything is appreciated :)

Same to you my friend!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

I enjoyed this. I am looking forward to the next 90 to come. I know you wont disappoint.

O, I don't know if I'll last that long but, thanks, for the vote of confidence!

golden coins, sometimes life does need a show, so everything becomes a beautiful series between a, b, c to z, united in the poetry poetry of the soul, an interesting poetry, I love to read it @yahialababidi

I'm not sure exactly what you mean... but I'm grateful you enjoyed poetry. Of course, there are some shows that are deliberate and in good taste, while others are unintended and in poor taste.

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