Poem / Once a gentleman

in #poetry7 years ago

Once a gentleman

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He was no ordinary guy
He would go the extra mile
He would do everything to make her smile
He would open the curtains everyday and sit and thank God for a while

He gave his best just to be with her
He gave her all he had
He was by her side all the time
Whether she was happy or sad

He landed up in the friendzone
Which didn't bother him
Just as long as he could keep carin'
He kept doing his best to make her finally notice
And eventually she did
She tried it out but ended up breaking it off
He was destroyed but still kept doing all he could

The next girl arrived
And took control of the reins of his life
He gave her the world
And in return he received a grain of dirt
He held it dearly in his hand
Until one day he found out
That she'd been sneaking about

So the cycle went on and on
He tried his best to stay strong
Eventually he realized he couldn't feel anymore
There were just to many scares left by those self righteous whores

As time progressed
He realized that the fine details he no longer stressed
His heart started to become cold
And inside there was no longer a soul

The gentleman he once was
Was now gone because
There were to many hangups
To many screw ups
They made him sick to the stomach
Every foul thing he threw up
All his emotions blew up
He had none left
All of them were cleft
Stolen from his heart
There was nothing but an empty scar

Now he sits like any old douche
Waiting for the next of his victims
To screw around with
He waits like your typical asshole
All because the gentle man that he once was no longer had a soul

By Ethan

Ladies this is directed at you, Don't mess with a good guy.

He is good for a reason, stay with him, keep him, don't ever be that person.

If you want to play choose another guy because all you will cause is pain.

You all might wonder why, why are there no nice guys? The simple answer is that they are all broken they were cheated on or treated like dirt, they gave the world just to receive that little bit in return.

Guys are a lot like toys, you can only play with them so much before they break.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! If you did and want to hear more you can follow me here (^~^) <(^~^<)


He was no ordinary guy
He would go the extra mile
He would do everything to make her smile
He would open the curtains everyday and sit and thank God for a while

I like the rhyme scheme in the line 2, 3 and 4 of this guy,

Wow sacrificial love on poetry, this is more than beautiful.

That gentleman left me speechless!

Great poetry nicely written dear @xxsenpaixsamaxx, attractive and hear touching, I love that. And thanks for sharing beautiful poem, keep it up. Good luck.

what an awesome poem!!! you are very talented!

I love this and whether guy or girl life can sometimes pounce on us and drain our energy and our dreams.

Very true. I hope and pray we find healing in life.

Wonderful poem :)

I actually just wrote one sorta like this.
I really like how much soul is in your writing, it's very moving.
happily upvoted.

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Unfortunately a lot of young girls are not mature enough to appreciate a honest, sincere and giving guy. Girls sometimes are foolish and like to play around without thinking how they impact the guy. Unfortunately life seems to turn out where after so much heart ache, the soul gets cold and hard. Give life some time and eventually when you least expect it, you will start to feel again. There should always be that element of hope!!!

I admire your comment. It's full of wisdom.

Thank-you so much @africanpoet for your much appreciated comments. Life can be hard but we should never give up on possibilities and love. Have a great week ahead!!!

Nice! Wonderful! Amazing! Keep up the good work!

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