A Short Poem for Steemit: The Reunion of Birds

Meeting a tree alters its physique
Though sweet singing
important is noise .
upon a single tree
At craft making,
Silence is nonsense at sleep.
This short poem which i composed came as an inspiration and i
will explain it's meaning below;
Reunion among Men
This part explains the ability on how steemit has brought several
men and women together both far and wide all operates based
on same concept.
The steemit platform has giving every body that opportunity to
like (Upvote), Comment and even share ideas together.
Meeting a Tree alters it's Physique
Steemit has on it's context brought out or has all most
succeeded in bringing out the best in any individual that joined
Many ideas and goals has been set and accomplished in due cause.
Though Sweet Singing
Many come into steemit without knowing their aim. They hear
about steemit may as a platform that helps reward those that
registered for writing. They finally came without a proper
orientation of the ideology of the platform.
Obtaining various House hold upon a Single Tree
This simply reflects the various communities and groups that is
under the umbrella of the steemit platform. Every day new
communities are being created to function on different areas and
all operate under the steemit environment. Emanating upon a
single tree refers to all the activities as includes the comments,
rewarding quality contents, sharing ideas, investing and even
trading, all came from the power of the existence of steemit.
At craft Making and Lacking any Nationality
Stemit is so unique that it is designed to accept any individual
from all parts of the world.
It does not select any ethnic group nor nationality but operates
and brings all together as a single mind.
@wyxlight ...
Signing out ...
Thanks ...
Glade you love it ..
this is wonderful, keep it up
Thanks sir ..
Glade you love it ...