in #poetry7 years ago

They think they beat us because they shut our shit down. They haven’t beat fuckin nobody just look the fuck around
The cities are waking the elites are quaking, they’re shitting their pants and they keep making stupid mistakes they have been taking what’s not theirs to take now they’re creating hell on earth fuck the debating it’s getting worse lets starts annihilating and ridding earth of this parasitic demonic curse.

That has manifested and fucking infested they took over the world uncontested, psychotic and evil, They’re fuckin demented, they should be in prison they should be arrested but they own the police so they’re well protected, earth is sick earth is infected the people that dwell here are negatively affected they own the media to which our minds are connected train your minds to fucking reject it.

It’s time to wake before it’s too late to ignore this problem would be a mistake. They extort and thieve, lie and deceive the hypnotised still fucking believe that they are here to help they’re so blind and naïve it won’t be long before they’re taxing the air that breath.

They make profit from the things that we need just to survive and to stay alive they hold us back we will not thrive until we change, awake and arise when our consciousness is fully revived to take us on will be suicide.
Let’s destroy the system that they have created for every one man that benefits there’s a thousand that hate it. The system is flawed the system is dated it’s controlled by fascists and fucking racists our minds have been manipulated the masses are stupid, unsophisticated. They’re trained to obey they’re not educated, the shit that we read is government regulated its designed to deceive it’s all fabricated yet they still believe and these words are wasted on people that cannot comprehend the truth or fuckin face it.

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