in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

This poem is the child of my early morning meandering within my mind. It speaks of womanhood and the pain she carries within her breast as a result of society's blindness to the pains of others.

I dedicate this to all the women who are going or have gone through violence, whether domestic or at the place of work, whether by deeds or by words. You are not alone though it may seem so.

For those of us who see these things and turn away without acting, may God help us in our own time of need.

Photo by Tess Nebula on Unsplash.


If you had looked closely,
You would have seen
The blue black bruise
Hidden within my makeup use,
You would have heard the fading echo
Of my screams and pleas
As each blow felled me like a tree
Struck by lightning,
Harangued by several thunders
But you did not look.

You would have noticed
My shaking hand holding
My shaking hand,
My trembling lips muttering
Several empty lies,
My smiling eyes wet and shiny
With fresh tears and old pain
But your eyes were lost
Within the mutters of your skull
And your hands carried your own pain.

I had prayed you'd notice me
One day and seek to pull me
Out of this dank, dark place
Where I have left my spirit
To hide, to deny, to rewrite
Each and every bruise
Into a sweet caress,
To remake every spittle dripping curse
Into some sort of endearment,
To sculpt the history of this pain
Into some war that my skin,
My body had lost.

But you did not see me
Lost among your crowded thoughts,
Did you?
You did not notice me
Standing, waiting for salvation
To come, did you?
You had not heard the song of my tears,
The massa's call; a chorus,
A refrain of whips, teargas,
Truncheon nudges, booted heels
On my cranium, saliva on my face,
Had you?

You have forgotten how to see,
Victim of patriarchy,
The strangled spirits that shimmer
Beneath the moonlight,
On glittering asphalt streets,
That shine like shattered glass
On ceramic floors still smelling
Of disinfectant and soap,
Industrial cleaning agents and
The fast fading scent of cologne,
Waiting for hope to come,
To find me, to find you, to find us,
To set us free.

Now, you will go your way
To your empty bank statements,
Your lonely bottle of wine,
Your cold bed of need,
Your own old and new bruises
And well hidden lies.
I will watch you go
And I will pray that I was you
And you were me, yet,
I must go home
To my caress, to my sweet nothings,
To my massa's loving touch,
To my remade paradise.

And we must all pretend
That it is dawn, the sun is here,
The birds are singing,
The flowers are fornicating with the bees,
And love, not fear within my bones, sings.

©warpedpoetic, 2018.


Hey @WarpedPoetic,
Your post was found via Curation Thursday!
Enjoy the Upvote!

And so goes the plight of many women, the unseen, the unheard. There is no safety net for them, no place to turn, because they know the only escape is when they grow bold enough to go. When one fear becomes many, it is a hard choice to make. Society in many places put the burden on women, and then abandon the women. The men abandon them, the children abandon them, and other women abandon them. Where do the abandoned go, where do they turn? When will we stop abandoning those in need. Where are the Pious Religious people, where are those churches whose stated mission is to help, to serve? Where is the government's whose stated purpose it to help and to serve? Where is the family whose purpose should be to protect each other? The abandoned have nowhere to turn. For all those above see it as the abandoned's fault.

I have no solutions to offer. I know of no solution, do you? All we can do is let people know I guess that we are not blind to the problem, until a solution is found.

Deep words bro @bashadow. Society has learnt to ignore the plea of the helpless especially when their pleas are voiceless, when you can see the fear and the plea in their eyes despite their lips saying they are fine.

This is part of the duty of the community; to help those too weak or too scared to help themselves but all we do, is turn away. After all, are we not all afraid? Are we not all carrying our own pain?

I sympathize with them too, going through the problem of misogyny, patriarchy and bigotry.

Yeah you sympathize. Don't we all?

I don't think we all do..

Their are some that doesn't, remember we are in Nigeria.

another powerful and beautiful poem Of you ❤️
Always worth reading

Thank you dear for your kind words. Do come again.

As important as women are to the society, it is a pity that most people turn deef ear to their cry. Which i count as an offence.

Well in a world were men are kings and they decide the laws and punish offenders, I doubt that they consider it an offence.

Reading through and I think its time the community at large start looking into all of the violent towards the female gender, Do you watch Shuga by MTVbase Naija, they are preaching the gospel too.

I don't watch much TV but I have come across the series once or twice. Yes they are helping much like I Need to Know series back in the day but then again, is anyone listening?

For until, the system is adjusted, until the status quo is turned on its head, we will listen to prophets portend portents of a revolution then we will go to bed feeling as empty as we had started the day.

Until active changes are advocated, that piece up there is just poetry, not even good one and I am just blowing hot air

is anyone listening? For until, the system is adjusted, until the status quo is turned on its head

Definitely, this is the real fact

I used to know some women who were exposed some violence in their relationships, but never took any actions to solve it, even when the laws in our country favors those who cry.
I guess some people don't have it.

fear is a strange thing @aschatria. It would make a strong healthy woman who commands the respect of subordinates in the office, mutter and beg a man who has nothing to his name except frustration and anger.

This post has been voted on from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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You got a vote from me! I heard you on PYPT. Excellent job. I'm so impressed to see this is such an important issue to you. Wonderful person. So happy to meet you. I'm following you.

Oh thank you @littlescribe. I love women and I think that they are the most beautiful beings. Just sad that not everyone thinks so.

"Spittle dripping curse"!!...Oooo...nice!

You're welcome (from a fellow poet...)

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