in #poetry6 years ago

photo by Adina Voicu on pixabay

A look across the vast distance,
A tilt of our heads, eyes closed
And cool lips touch then part
Like a test, a duel, a clash of emotions.
Eyes open to wander across
Wondering gazes on black skin,
Smile and she is mine.

A swooping shadow, lips stolen
Between lips, soft and yielding.
Tongue flick, flick, seeking
Between teeth like a warrior
Before a warded domain;
Open sesame, to me.
Eyes are closed, lips parted in a sigh;
Parry, thrust, parry, thrust;
Two tongues touch, eyes open,
Smile and she is mine.

Stare at the glittering depths
Of the sea that eyes my lips,
The trembling waves that quake
Her lips and moistens her breath,
The erratic thrum that nestles
In my chest, calling me.
Swoop again, claim lips,
Tongue and all then
Smile and she is mine.

Saliva mix, sate and birth hunger
Over and over again.
Need clashes and become one,
Fire burn beneath skin,
Scouring face, mind, the wind,
The distant stars.
Eyes open, the moon is big
And heavy with the moisture
Of life and blood.
Smile and she is mine.


The kiss as a reflection of deep emotion has always baffled me. I have stories of girls who hustle on the streets, willing to allow a stranger access to their body but would not kiss him. It says a lot about the potency and potential of a kiss. What does a kiss so that make people want it so often and some scare away from it?

When I was in the University, I used to have this girlfriend, we will call her Sharon. She was a bombshell; long legs, busty, rounded behind, a great sense of humour and full lips that made you want to kiss her all day. Yet, she refused my kisses and claimed she doesn't like to be kissed. It was a bother and I chaffed at the restrictions a whole lot until I found out that she was kissing someone else.

Is a kiss a signal that there's more to a relationship than bible study and books?

Some folks consider the health implications of exchanging saliva with another as their reason for keeping away from it. In fact, kissing is not a Nigerian way of showing affection. Like all things imported, it is not welcomed everywhere.

The young generation enjoy though and you can catch them in dark corners, sweating, seeking, groping, tongue in mouth. What is in a kiss?

©Warped Thoughts Only, 2018.


Kiss is a refelction of love. There were different type of love between 2 person, father and daughter love, lovers love, friendship loves. Father love to a daughter,the kiss although on lips but you can feel the love as a parent. If 2 best friend met, their kiss express more on happiness to meet each other. The above 2 kisses normally just touch and go. While lover loves is an intimate love.The kiss was more deep and longer. From your poem, it should be a kiss between 2 lovers. You poem expressed well on kisses between two lovers.

Yes it is based on kisses between two lovers. Thanks

Another emotionally thoughtful piece by you @warpedpoetic. I like how you described a kiss, all in a poem of that degree. How true and real it felt reading every line of your poem. A kiss is as deep or as shallow as the kisser allows it to be. But I agree with you, think it sometimes depends on upbringing, culture or maybe past experience that shape the willingness to kiss or not to kiss or to be kissed or not wanting to be kissed. Thank you for sharing this with us.

You are welcome @marblely. I am glad you liked it.

Well as society tends to decide what is appropriate or not, it is not surprising that some societies do not put much value on kissing while others do. It is also not surprising that as societies evolve as a result of development and the importation of new ideas, something like kissing that used to be strange is now a part of the expression of love in said societies.

Thanks for stopping by.

Yes very true. And sometimes society is influenced by external forces such as movies, songs, etc. It is always interesting to see the evolution. Gives us much to think and write about :) Thank you for your thoughts on this too. Wishing you a happy weekend there @warpedpoetic :)

Kissing is something very magical and inesplicable, it is something so personal that it involves many feelings, with just a kiss you can show the alama to the right person in a couple of seconds. A very deep poem .. It is a lovely poetry! Congratulations for your vote curie, well deserved, a big hug @warpedpoetic !

Thanks @naideth. Yes a kiss a big part of expressing feelings to another. This is due to the intimacy it creates when two lips join.

Thanks for stopping by.

@warpedpoetic if that is great kiss poetry if you had great dedication to make this great poetry. a kiss transmits everything that is felt by a person in the way of kissing when they close their eyes with that passion and love, nowadays the kiss has been lost with this generation of today in a day a kiss does not matter to them, it was not like in those days where those passionate kisses filled with love and pure fire were given @ neymarth10

Great poem m8! It is replete with unique imagery and nuanced, intelligent use of technique. Lines like –

cool lips touch then part, Like a test, a duel, a clash of emotions

show a poets sensibility to express complex emotional concepts in a beautiful and skillful way. Real nice!

And your use of imagery is extremely accomplished yet economical in choice of words –

A swooping shadow, lips stolen, Between lips, soft and yielding

showing real care and attention to how the poem flows.

I really like this poem mate and especially the final verse in its visceral sensual descriptive languge

Saliva mix, sate and birth hunger
Over and over again.
Need clashes and become one,
Fire burn beneath skin,
Scouring face,


Thanks you @raj808. I actually planned on writing the Ghazal but I panicked out of it and wrote the above instead.

I love your refrain, the beautiful way through which you weave your words, I love the stanza pattern obviously the same style of stanzaic pattern which I use in my poems really.
I love the repetition in various places as well the emphasis on the emotion portrayed on kiss as a way of showing affection buddy. Lovely imagery of the love making process, makes me feel like I was emotionally intertwined as well.

This is beautifully written

Thank you @josediccus. My aim was actually to write a Ghazal bit I chickened out and got a curie instead. Lol.

I love to express emotions in my writings. I feel emotions say a lot about man. Thanks for stopping by

certainly buddy I think your words and expressions naturally flows it's like oil and yam eaten with ease so creative as well.

Lol thanks you bro. I appreciate the love

I think kisses goes a long away in conveying one's emotion, the make us feel more connected and it reveals how passionate one is towards you. They send the message more than words will.

And when you kiss someone you don't love, you don't feel that connection, you realize how untrue you have been to yourself and that guilty feelings sets in, then it becomes more of a chore than a pleasurable experience.... I believe this is one of the reasons why people tend to stay away from kissing people that they don't love.

What a thought provoking poem, I love it!

Yeah it is like committing oneself to a relationship. It just feels weird, the way much is placed on the touch of two lips.

Hahahah... Because it goes way beyond the touch... You haven't felt that "spark" before?

Oh I have many times. It is a pleasure always.

It makes it worth it, always!!

And, I actually don't understand people who stay away from it because of its"health implication", I mean, it ultimately has to do with who you do it with, right? They should know their partners enough to trust them....

Exactly. It is about trust i think. It's like giving something of yourself to the other

Oh sure, and without trust it becomes hard (if not impossible) to give that part of us to someone...

Kisses have different types and meanings so they say - kiss on the check, forehead, etc. - but you are apparently referring to kiss on lips. I am not sure because I also heard that people take types of kisses differently. For lip kiss, it is generally regarded as conveying of emotion between two people with intimate relationship. Exemption maybe those who are experimenting.

Very good poem you have there. Do words just flow out of your mind to compose such art?

Well I know sex workers do not kiss their clients no matter how great the experience though.

Very good poem you have there. Do words just flow out of your mind to compose such art

Yes they do. They just come and I pen them down without thought.

Any reason why those sex workers don't kiss their clients?

I am amazed by how people can write as easy as that. You must have an imaginative mind for the words to keep flowing.

I think because it is intimate enough to cause a flux in emotions. So it's best not to kiss someone you don't care for. It gives people ideas.

Oh I have a troublesome imagination. I have always had one.

I have a troublesome imagination.

Creative mind then.

Hey @warpedpoetic, beautiful poem and a lot of passion in it. Thank you for your for sharing your own experience too. It is wonderful when people tell their emotions openly, letting us to look into your thoughts and soul. It is amazing how we all different from each other, and such intimate moment like a kiss can mean much, starting from youth when it is a mystery and adrenaline to learn a new sense, to thankfulness and gratitude and the highest point of trust between two personalities. Thank you for the chance to think about that and for such beautiful poetry :)

Cheers from Art supporting blog @art-venture


@art-venture, thank you for visiting my blog and enjoying my poetry.

Yes kisses mean much in a relationship for those who actually like it.

I think its power lies in that it isn't a unilateral action, you know? Not only do you need another person to make it happen, you also have to be in complete synchrony with her / him. There has to be a consensus on how they feel, and if you know that person shares the same interest as you, it just happens. (I guess it's a very bureaucratic way of saying it, but that's how I feel).


Very true. There has to be agreement; the look, the tilt of the head, it has to fit in for it to work.

Thanks for stopping by.

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