Los Helicopteros Hipócritas

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)



Los helicopteros hipocritas, en su dialectica multicolor,
creen poder dominarlo todo y a todos con sus tan basicas tecnicas,
solo a los idiotas y a los indecisos tales practicas dominan.
Tu no puedes controlar un leon con una zanahoria, imbecil helicoptero.



Los helicópteros tienen un problema , sus hélices no los dejan apreciar el cielo.

I have to wonder if women who support this serial abuser and plagiarist are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

Regardless, anyone who supports this clown can fuck off.

I'd actually like to get him a flight to NYC so we can have #steemfightclub.


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


First of all yes you did plagiarise @walden by your own admission in your early carrier here. Second most of your posts now are only a smidgen above standard plagiarism most violating international copyright law. I know you always start getting seizures saying that you do not care about copyright but for someone who claims he is defending the platform because he cares your actions and posts put it in a lot of potential danger. Also you again structured your sentence to make it look like you are part of @steemcleaners which we both know is not true. It really is pathetic but in the end a dodobird is always going to be a dodobird and no matter ho it might try to pretend will never be a swan. @ancapbabrbie it's not the best picture but it really is not that bad <3 That being said @walden what does anyone's physical appearance have to do with anything .@walden - Is the first image photoshopped I do not know and really do not care although you do know that makeup makes a big difference in photos yes and I am pretty confident that you most likely are so homely @walden that not even makeup would make you presentable.

In the end it is all of little consequence in face of the obvious truths. You @walden pretend to belong to a community ( @steemcleaners) that denies vehemently that they have anything to do with you. You are such a poor sod that you do not have the mental capacity or one smidgen of creativity to actually craft anything original on this platform. You have to result in stealing and reposting other peoples content because you are so void of anything special of your own to present.

@ancapbarbie on the other hand not only creates worthwhile original content but also has created a thriving steemit community and is cofounder and/or admin over a few others. SO yeah rejoice over the fact that you got her goat here today because that little poison filled victory is all the likes of you will ever have.

While ancap will move on with her life and keep changing the world around her with real consequence and grace you @walden will still be in your basement years from now, hanging on to that porn you so desperately need because no one will touch you with a ten foot pole . You will still pretend to be part of @steemcleaners, or the justice league or the Jedi order or whatever else, while they will still ignore you like the gnat you are . Why because you are as irrelevant as your posts a empty carbon copy of nothing . If you weren't such a distasteful bully and sexual predator, I would almost feel sorry for you. As is eventually karma will get you @walden and when it does most likely you will face it unwanted and unloved all alone like always - Womp womp ...

He wins. I mean, he wins nothing, but good for him. I guess?

No, that's a horrible picture of me. Whoever sent it to him specifically to use as a weapon against me knows who they are, knows they're an even bigger scumbag than he is.

But I'm done. Losers like this guy are a huge reason why @steemit has an 8% retention rate.

But @tygertyger, while I appreciate the sentiment, @walden is displaying classic attention-seeking behavior. Ya, like as in child psychology. It doesn't matter what we say, only that he got a response. He doesn't know any more constructive way to get attention. Pathetic? Sure, except he doesn't realize it.

@ancapbarbie you're right I think from now on I will just ignore him . Pretty much everything has been said at this point.

I never plagiarized, and I dont belong to SteemCleaners,
Im an independent cleaner.

Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


You're too obviously desperate for my attention. Kinda makes you my bitch, doesn't it.

Whoever sent you the worst picture of me from the TN meetup is an even bigger scumbag than you are.

Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


What you think of me is irrelevant. You're a fucking moron and an abusive prick. I have reported you for plagiarism. I notice you're declining payout on your stolen content posts now.

Whoever picked out the worst possible picture of me from that TN meetup so you could use it to harass me is an even bigger scumbag than you are.

Well, apparently your report was unfounded since I never got commented for plagiarism by steemcleaners, so basically you dont know what plagiarism is,
plagiarism is trying to pass others content as yours, I have never done that.
A youtube music video is not stolen content unless you claim the content is yours,
get a clue.

Well, apparently your report was unfounded since I never got commented for plagiarism by steemcleaners, so basically you dont know what plagiarism is,
plagiarism is trying to pass others content as yours, I have never done that.
A youtube music video is not stolen content unless you claim the content is yours,
get a clue.

You are not allowed to monetize YouTube videos of someone else's copyrighted content.


You're not a very good cleaner and you're an even worse human being.

The liver failure can't happen fast enough, but if you want to come to NYC, I'll be glad to meet you.

That's what I thought. You're only a tough guy behind a computer screen.

But I'm not. I have combat training and experience. So put up or shut up.

oh come on, you wouldnt last 15 seconds, and I like Colorado better ;)
Can you come with the "color correction" please?

oh come on, you wouldnt last 15 seconds, and I like Colorado better ;)

Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


Hi Ancapbarbie, nice to see you around,

  1. You actively support serial plagiarists like @malos10 and @bigdude
  2. I have never plagiarized, if you think I did, report it to steemcleaners please,
    plagiarists need to be exposed and we could use your help, anybody can report,
    even people that support serial plagiarists like you.
  3. You sent me this pic a few days ago in a comment, and when I told you that it was heavily photoshopped you told me it was "color corrected"
    Now, is that you or is this you?

Wow, nice "color correction".


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