Dollar Division (Original Poem):

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)


Abundance at their feet, piles of privileges placed perfectly in line for the handful of elite

While those who come from defeat passed down through timelines must beg on their knees

You walk past strangers in need with hands out, pleading to leave the streets while x,y and z sit on thrones with hands clenched, locked with combination codes

Don’t forget in this world that at times those who seem to have it all have all but nothing in their hearts while those who seem to have nothing have riches flowing endlessly through channels of love

Riches are disguised in moments and opportunities, with the truest riches coming from inside

The man with the largest and smallest bank account in the street still broke down and cried when his world was crumbling in his mind

Dollars and numbers on screens try to define who you are when you’re told you are just customer #1253

Capitalism tries to trick you into believing a world of abundance is a world of plastic and metal creations, spilling into our oceans and seeping into our land

Money is a tool to be used to navigate your way through life, not a definition of your integrity

We all come from all walks of the world, and to hear and be heard is fundamental

Faces behind bank accounts with 1 or 1 million dollars are still living, breathing, pulsing beings

The lines need to be blurred, with two hands out and one foot on the pedal.

- viazenar

(Image: Derek Murphy)

For more original poetry, self development articles & daily quotes follow @viazenar


"...defeat passed down through timelines...", too true!

I just discovered your blog and really like what I read and see. 🌺

Thank you very much 🌻 Hopefully you enjoy my future posts too!

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