The Woods

in #poetry6 years ago

Photo by Jesse Echevarria on Unsplash

The tranquil melody of the murmuring brook
Broke the hush of a golden dawn,
As the dappled doe, just awake, now shook
The leaves from around her fawn.

The luminous mist that enshrouded the woods
Now rose to reveal their splendor.
And the tender young fawn, slowly, gently, stood
To gaze at his world in wonder.

All the birds, by now, had begun to sing
Their light and colorful tunes,
As they hopped from a branch to glide on the wing
O'er the brilliant green floral festoons.

And clear dewdrops, shining here, sparkling there,
With the luster of scintillant gems,
Veiled majestic trees everywhere
In shimmering diadems.

A sudden sway on a verdant limb
Revealed where the chipmunks played;
Where a jocund fellow followed his whim
To a bough where nuts lay arrayed.

And then, with loud chattering, the rascals scattered
Before an unseen threat.
The scene of repose was rudely shattered
Where menace and peace had met.

The lumbering beast that had caused the stir
Trampled all beneath great paws.
And with gloating eyes from sable fur
Caught the unwary between great jaws.

A musical wind that played through the trees
Brought peace to the woods once more.
This wonderfully light and scented breeze
Left all as it was before.


That is an absolute GEM! You really might want to consider joining looking into the poetry contests on here, you are quite talented!

Thank you, Claire - just saw this. Would be willing to throw my hat in the ring, so thanks for your suggestion and your enthusiastic support. What group has these contests, or how do I find them? I don't think I have seen them in my feed.

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