
in #poetry6 years ago (edited)



Which ENDS?


Of Our

Poetry & Photography By : transcript-junky


Do you transcribe video interviews? I have a job and more jobs for you in the future!

Captain Phil! I absolutely, surely do! You can find NUMEROUS showcases of my work on my main site : https://diaryofafreelancetranscriptionist.com I just did the first episode of @winstonwolfe's new podcast (as part of my "Free Transcript Project") on the site : https://diaryofafreelancetranscriptionist.com/2018/07/03/free-transcript-project-13/ I will work for SBD, as I am focusing on buying as many 90-day SP delegations AND delegating to @steemhunt, as possible. Let me know what you've got, and (although I am uber busy)if I can find the time/energy to deliver we can discuss it. Feel free to leave any links to the actual (or type of) content you are looking to transcribe, so I can take a look at it. You can also email me at : [email protected] ...

I want a transcription on video interviews which are long af. What would you take for a 17 minute long interview with 2 people that speak in a normal speed?

Okay. please clarify on "long af"... The industry standard is ONE labour hour per FIFTEEN audio minutes (assuming that your claim of "17 minute long interview with 2 people that speak in a normal speed" is an accurate estimate), so just to throw some quick numbers around, if we round up the 17 minutes to18 minutes that would require roughly 1.5 hours of FINGERING for the transcription itself, AND THEN an additional ~ 20 - 30 labour minutes to proofread (to ensure it is presentable), and then an additional 5 -10 minutes to do a second round proofread (and upload) in GoogleDocs. I then shoot you the link to the GoogleDoc so you can cut and paste the transcript to wherever. That works out to roughly TWO (2) labour hours to FULLY turnover the audio to GoogleDoc. My quote are quite accurate at this point, since I have been doing this for a while. Also, while I believe that value is relative, INSTEAD of just throwing out a random number I prefer to quote/provide the ACTUAL amount(s) I have been paid in the past by other clients, and allow the (prospective) "client" to SUGGEST what they think this quoted work is worth to them (which also accounts for factors on THEIR end). If you look on my site (above), my standard quoted rate for clients is "$10 USD/"(labour) hour"" -- the cost of flippin' burgers in the "developed world". I give a DEEP DISCOUNT to benefit the clients AND due to the cost-of-living differential between MY location (in the "developing world") and theirs. Some clients have even DEMANDED to pay more (one requested that they pay $15USD/hour - and did - I can provide the reference). The $10USD is FAR BELOW the industry standard (if you were to outsource to a private transcriptionist in Germany, for instance; they will usually start at $15 USD++/hour). Also, since we are (assumedly) dealing with SBD there is also the price volatility to consider. So, with all of this quote data laid out for you, why don't YOU suggest a number, based on all of the factors on YOUR end, and then we can go from there. In other words, what's it worth to ya'??? Also, since I mentioned my intention of using the SBD income from this (potential) project to buy 90-day SP delegatio if we do it in 50 SBD chunks (for instance, for MULTIPLE audio files in one BATCH) then I would be happy to show you the transfer to blocktrades (to purchase the delegation(s)) right after receiving the payout. In other words, it's a "one hand washed the other" type of arrangement. You will also receive higher upvotes from me, as a result of the additional SP (via the delegation(s)...

Forget it then, my videos don't make more than that.

Well, why don't you just throw a number at me (based on what you can afford). If it is not within my means (in terms of the amount of time/energy I have available, minimum cost (and opportunity cost) of taking on the project, etc. then I will simply POLITELY decline. Perhaps I could also suggest some ALTERNATIVES. For instance, you can use one of the freelance sites, or Scribie.com, where you will likely be able to find a non-native English speaker to do the transcription for dirt-cheap, although the downsides to that are that you don't have a fellow Steemit person, nor native English speaker, who can add OTHER benefits beyond the transcription. Just think about it, and let me know if you want further advice. It's not the end of the world for me to recommend you elsewhere. Thanks for at least considering me...

I can give you 5SBD per video mate, we both know that is slavery. I would give you more if the courses were better or if I had enough money but I don't. I need to manage every penny at the moment.

Captain Phil! I totally understand where you're coming from. It's good that you responded further so that we can at least TRY to work something out, but then DIPLOMATICALLY attempt to find some solutions to your need to get those audio files transcribed. I suggest that we proceed as follows :

(1) I think it would be NECESSARY for me to at least have a watch of the actual videos so that I can make a proper assessment. That is, when I work for the online freelance transcription companies (like Scribie.com, in India - which I urge you to check out just to get an idea of what's out there) it is industry standard to be able to listen to part, or all, of the files. I would keep the contents in strict confidence (also industry standard) and would be willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you send the files, if you deem that necessary. Once I can evaluate the actual nature of the technical video and content I can then make an adequate decision. Right now it is also an issue of the amount of time and energy I have available, as well as the HORRENDOUS back/neck issues I am having from sitting up at this machine for HOURS per day (which I know you understand). In summary, if you would like to proceed I suggest that you get the video file(s) over to me ( [email protected] ). I also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the popular transcription companies out there (like Scribie.com ) - although even at their slavery wages they still might not be able to accomodate 5 SBD (no offense, but I am just being realistic). It's your choice if you want to proceed, and I WILL NOT hold any grudges if you don't. Also, a link back to my profile in the posts which display the video(s) and transcript(s) would be an ADDITIONAL way to add some value tome potentially taking on the project. Have a think on this and respond - or not - at your convenience...

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