A Tale Of The Black Queen's Rebirth

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

If anyone asks.
Tell them I overdid my tasks.
Going an extra mile.
Adorning a fake smile.

If anyone dare asks.
Tell them I had a dark past.
Light never really got a chance.
To shine on my lane in advance.

Tell them I have worked relentlessly.
In order to even smile effortlessly.
That it was hard work to love me.
I hope they know what that means.

Speak of my journey to motherhood.
How it came before one to womanhood.
Flat ironing my adolescence overnight.
Whisking me away to an adult's fight.

I melted in the hands of the wrong man.
Blinded by his touch authority's span.
He who punched me to breath.
Kissed me and took away my breath.

Preach about small celebrated wins.
The strides I have made from those sins.
Self revelation on my untapped worth.
A tale of the black queen's rebirth.


Love, Black Queen.


Beautiful poetry We can share our thoughts through poetry. What's in our minds And it sounds good to everyone. I also sometimes post some poems and I feel happy thank you for sharing your thoughts through your beautiful poems.

Thank you for you read! :)

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