Regrets and Mistakes (an original poem)

in #poetry7 years ago


Regrets and Mistakes

How could I ever forget
When there's a lot I regret
If only I did this and that
I'd be where I wanted to be at

Should I stay here and blame myself?
Like an old moldy book in a shelf
Stagnant and at the brim of giving up
Wailing, crying... like a helpless pup

We all make mistakes and struggle a lot
In life, it's such an inevitable plot
Let's face, embrace and utilize it
For it'll soon lead us to a big hit

Let's step on those mistakes like stones
Let's turn those regrets to strong bones
For in every mistake and regret we acquire
We can bounce back stronger and inspire


LIFE IS NEVER EASY! It doesn't always go our way, but let's consider all of these as chances. Every regret... every mistake... every failure... is a chance to learn. It's a chance to grow and become stronger.

Let's not limit ourselves! Let's take risks and explore the beauty of life. If we continue to be afraid to move forward, then we'll stay rotten in that very place. Let's all get out from our comfort zones and explore the beauty of life!

Yes, it can be draining... we might commit mistakes again and again. We might regret something and we might fail multiple times. But think about it...

Isn't failing and moving on much better than staying where you are and doing nothing?

Embrace every moment of your life... good or bad! All of the things that you experience, positive and negative, makes life worth living!

Thanks a lot for dropping by!
Love lots, @tegoshei


That's why next time give your very best, if it fails, surely you won't have any regrets or "I wish I could've done better" moments since you did your part best.

Super agree!!! ^^ There's no harm in doing our best... :)

In life, it's such an inevitable plot

I admire this line for it reflects reality. I believe that we really don't know what will happen next and when mistakes and mishaps arise, there is no way we can run from it. We should just accept and learn from it. :)

Thank you! Let's face it, life can be unfair sometimes... but yes, there's no other way but to move forward with a stronger mind and heart. ^^

Let's step on those mistakes like stones
Let's turn those regrets to strong bones
For in every mistake and regret we acquire
We can bounce back stronger and inspire
...No words, just wonderful, I also write poems, in fact I wrote one of them in english, for if you want to check it out... Please keepwriting poems :)

Hello~! Thanks a lot for dropping by with your comment, will check your English poem, too. :) Writing poems is a great outlet of feelings and thoughts, so I'll keep doing it... Please do the same. ^^

true enough, every failure is a chance to learn and be a better YOU. those mistakes happened already, instead of regretting it, we should take it as a stepping stone to reach our goal. ❤

Super true... Failures make us better... (well, that depends on how we accept it.. ^^)

wow :) this is awesome @tegoshei. i am with you on this. regrets and mistakes are the spices of life. :) we learn, we live and move on.

Tama~!!! That's life... ^^ Thank you! :D

Wow!!! This is amazing! Perfect flow and tempo. You don't miss a beat! This is a great life reminder. PpCheers! Hope you have a wonderful day. g q

Wow... Thank you so much @robyneggs.. Have a great one, too! <3

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