Slowdown quickly

in #poetry6 years ago

Slowdown quickly

Will this feeling ever fade, ever go away
You held my hand first and stopped your tears
From the depths of the shade, light you lay
With bright eyes you awoke all my fears

How can something so fragile, so very small
Fill me with so much drive and dread
Lips pursed in a tiny smile, nothing at all
Rushed away quickly to another bed

For days and weeks we sat, we waited
Tears fell as needle points pierce
A daze of grey fog of flat, nights deflated
The tears were ours as you were fierce

Finally home you came, tiny flower on white
On the soft covers you were placed
Never again the same, forever more a fight
Free for you my heart became encased

So fast life slowed, so quickly you grew
Everyday things stopped in their tracks
Moving along towed, always something new
Once here no more is there going back

You say it I feel again, it breaks me more
I desire to remind you to go on slow
There will be so much pain, but at the door
Time will come and I will let you go.

[ a Steemit original ]


Lovely, guess your kid(s) inspired the concept

Just the one.

There will be so much pain, but at the door
Time will come and I will let you go.

As we prepare them for the world this is the part that scares me most as a Father. The day it's time to let them go out into this crazy world is not one I look forward too. My oldest is already 12 and to think in 6 years we will be getting ready for college...where has the time gone?

Your words hit home my friend. Enjoy today while it's here for tomorrow is just around the corner.

...where has the time gone?

I think this is an eternal question and one we should consider with every moment we decide to sit down and rest.

Beautiful poem for your daughter.

I desire to remind you to go on slow
There will be so much pain, but at the door
Time will come and I will let you go.

Loved the last verse. When her time comes, she will take flight to find her own place in the world. It is the way of life.

Great picture too. Did the picture influence the poem or was it the other way round @tarazkp?

I had the feeling the other day and took the picture with the idea in mind.

This is so beautiful @tarazkp! It's really difficult to understand the feelings that surround our children, isn't it? It seemed like yesterday my boys were babies, and now they're on their own, 20 and 22 years old. I know some will say it's always different for dads and their daughters, but I can tell you I had the same trepidation when they took turns leaving. It's a terrifying and exciting time for parents and kids alike, but it's a necessary evil in the whole parenting thing.

Here was the key for me and perhaps it may help ease things for you one day: trust that you've done a good job parenting; trust that she listened to at least half of it:); trust that she knows your heart and home is open whenever she needs it, regardless of why; and simply trust her to be a kind, considerate and intelligent human being.

There's a tendency 'these days' to keep kids at home forever, but I'm a firm believer that our jobs as parents is to prepare kids to one day leave; to equip them as best we can. Sometimes our best isn't good enough, but knowing we did the best we could is some comfort. And for some, like one of my sons, they need to learn life's lessons the hard way, and we can simply be there to help pick them up and dust them off, just like we did when they were toddlers!

He is the reason I drink by the way ;)

Thanks again for a beautiful poem! Cheers :)

Here was the key for me and perhaps it may help ease things for you one day: trust that you've done a good job parenting; trust that she listened to at least half of it:); trust that she knows your heart and home is open whenever she needs it, regardless of why; and simply trust her to be a kind, considerate and intelligent human being.

I think this is the goal and their life is theirs to do with as they choose.

yep...fingers crossed that we also like their choices ;)

Oh my, this is just beautiful, Taraz <3 Your daughter is blessed to have such a loving father.

There are going to be some personality clashes to come ;)

Aren't there always? ;)

This is a beautiful emotional piece. I could feel it tag at my heart as I read. Good write up.

is this a poem? It's so beautiful that his words are very touching

That pinch of fear of letting go a child in time for them to live their own life but of course you can't do anything about it anymore. I enjoyed your post, thank you for sharing. 😊

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