Don't Go Bacon My Heart. A Sizzlin' Steemit Collab with @diebitch and @carlgnash

in #poetry7 years ago

Bacon is a topic that comes up a lot on the PALnet discord channel. Even vegans love the taste of bacon. It is quite irresistible.

One day, while hanging out, @diebitch mentioned that she was working on a bacon poem and asked if maybe somehow, someway it could be turned into a song. Like laying down a piece of bacon on a hot skillet, boom the inspiration sizzled.

This is the process of how it all came to be.

First the magical poem. @diebitch really is a musician with words.

Don't Go Bacon My Heart

I will not take the
road less bacon
even if my arteries
are lardly forsaken.

Meat me for breakfast
or I’ll toss your salad,
Crack two eggs,
sing this ballad.

Things pan out,
heaven sizzles,
seductive maple
slooowly drizzles,

I’m lost to the world,
out of my rind,
hogging on the
divine swine.

Then she shows up
with a cholesterol chart,
Stay away vegan fiend
don’t go bacon my heart.

This is the track I came up with. Found some bacon sizzling samples and a random dude yelling bacon haha.

We got the man @carlgnash to lay down the gnashty vocal tracks.

He gave us not only one vocal track but 2. Theses harmonies gon be hot when weaved together.

After carl put it all together, here it is. @carlgnash @diebitch and I present to you The first ever Steemit Sizzlin' Bacon Music Video. Enjoy :)

I will not take the road less bacon, even if my arteries are lardly forsaken.

Meat me for breakfast or I’ll toss your salad, Crack two eggs, sing this ballad.

Things pan out, heaven sizzles, seductive maple slooowly drizzles,

I’m lost to the world, out of my rind, hogging on the divine swine.

Then she shows up with a cholesterol chart, Stay away vegan fiend, don’t go bacon my heart.

This was fun to create. Thank you @diebitch and @carlgnash. The Liquid SBD of this post will be split 3 ways between us.



Bacon looks, smells and tastes incredible! It’s a real shame it’s so bad for you.

That was...interesting. Pretty much made all of the 2018 way better. lol

Good. My efforts weren't in vain. "Please don't neglect the brain."

Well, no one lives forever right? haha


Haha great vocals, thanks for helping me create bacon history lol

I love it guys!! Song made me hella #hangry but I love it! @diebitch brought the bacon, @carlgnash put the fire on it, @soundwavesphoton made it sizzle! Good job!

Hahaha awesome. Thanks for the comment and support.

Great post, not like many half-baked efforts! This far from being hammy, it cured my Sunday blues. Cracklin Track :)

Haha very punny :)

Toss my salad? Before or after breakfast? I cant believe you didnt let me drop a verse on this, lol. Nice collab @soundwavesphoton @diebitch @carlgnash . RESPECT

Hahaha yeah man, I'm down for you to drop some bacon wraps up in this piece.

Hahahaha @soundwavephoton lets go to studio you are a good singer let me do some terrible Nigerian Rapping for you.

Haha thanks brotha. Here have some endless bacon.

This was hilarious, can't think of anything more original than this 😂 #bacontime . You earned a Resteem from me my friend!

Nice! Thanks for the love :)

those are some pretty great animated gifs

Thank you, I almost ran out of bacon gifs because of this post.