Pete & Repeat (Original)

in #poetry8 years ago

Pete & Repeat

My mind feels as though it’s been tossed into a blender

Full speed ahead, not stopping for anything, like a race car squealing around a sharp turn

Sharp and jagged like a steak knife

Clueless as a newborn baby, being forced into this world by their mother

Shoved into this weird reality that everyone knows as life

Christ, Buddha, God, and on and on it goes

Destroying are those around us that curse others, instead of seeing themselves

Setting their baggage on shelves, never to be seen again

At least that is what some people do

Think, re-think, damn it re-think everything

Remember, please remember

It’s all right here, don’t blink

Keep the silence, just let it come as it may

Don’t be shy

There is no reason to be scared

You are beautiful, you always have and always will be

No one seems the same, but they really are

They are just at different stages, with different characters, and different sets

But all with the same plot eventually

One point in time, in space

Been there, done that

They will learn the lesson this time, or be condemned to play the game of Pete and Repeat again

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