A Hundred Lines For My Sunshine...

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)


In a boring class, one uneventful day,
I noticed a lady, just a few chairs away,
Little by little, i do not know why,
I made a sketch of her, the way she caught my eye...

Now i couldn't say hi, cause i was a little behind,
But i was halfway in love, the way she crept into my mind,
My boring class lady, my sunshine and star,
This little piece of art, is dedicated to her...

Two decades ago, she was born,
Chubby & fair, pretty little one,
I can almost see her smile, writing this,
Her cute little smile, priceless it is...

Her poise & grace, a little conspicuous,
Her rich excitements, all too contagious,
She has grown into a lady, her beauty plenty,
She has grown into a beauty, my lady twenty...

So this is to you, my only sunshine,
Twenty hearty cheers, all given onetime,
And onetime & onetime, & onetime again,
And when twenty gets to twenty, I'll begin again...

There is a stone, laid at every mile,
Today my lady, one is added to the pile,
Just yesterday, you were my nineteen girl,
Today, yours truly, will be your nightingale...

I will sing of your beauty, long and loud,
I will announce to the world, of you i am proud,
Singing, announcing, sweet melodious lines,
Cause i love you to death, and how your love rhymes...

Twenty years you have lived, beautiful odyssey,
Three you've shared with me, and all my fantasies,
I've seen your pretty smile, I've seen you when you cry,
Your deep and immense anger, I've seen all by and by...

You've been a sister and a lover,
You've been a friend like no other,
You've shared the good and the odd time,
You've been my pretty pretty sunshine...

I could simply at you stare,
Or write an ode to your every strand of hair,
Still there is no perfect expression,
For my every single emotion...

To think of you is crazy,
Cause the laws of reason deserts me,
Still you're forever in my thoughts,
Active and passive, every single second passing...

Is it the sound of your laughter,
Or that tender bridge on your nose?
Is it your delicate little fingers,
Or the tiny nails on your toes...?

Is it your crazy love for liquor?
Is it your nonchalance for time?
Is it your quick reactive candour?
Stuck with me is your every crime...

If you were a course, i would attend every class,
I wouldn't miss a single sand, of each hour's hourglass,
If you were a guide, devotedly i would follow,
If you were Juliet, then i would gladly be your Romeo...

Still you are my Sunshine,
And today you are one the brighter,
More precious to me than a goldmine,
Your worth is way way deeper...

I have loved as i have lived,
I have doubted as i believed,
But these are stories i need not tell,
Because your love does above all excel...

Three years ago, we made a decision,
Which most of society would label as wrong,
Today no matter whose indignation,
You know as i know its here we belong...

Amidst the love, the pain and traumas,
The faults, the hurts and all our dramas,
Even when things were at their lowest ebb,
We've pulled through together, to be stronger at the end...

A thousand years may come and go,
The rivers of love may stop to flow,
If there is no end in time and we only can hate,
Still I'll seek your face each time i reincarnate...

I love you so much that it chokes me,
You're my Sunshine, more than any TopTea,
You've given me you, as I've given you me,
You've closed my eyes, now its just you i see...

I have no fear, for any a broken heart,
I'll stick with you, for the best and the worst part,
During the day, i dream i sing to you at night,
And in my dreams, i do see you in daylight...

But today ain't about me,
For today is for you,
And i want the world to see,
That just twenty hearty cheers wont do...

A thousand cheers you deserve,
A thousand more for your charm,
And one more thousand in reserve,
For a little more wont do no harm...

My Sunshine, blessed at twenty,
My radiance, beauty aplenty,
You're tested, trusted and loved,
You're guarded jealously, my beloved...

This day, all the words that i could say,
A hundred, a thousand, a million i could relay,
This day, all of that just wouldn't do,
For this day, my Sun Shines for you...

Happy Birthday Sunshine


Happy birthday our sunshine

Awwn.... So cute.

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