The Police - The Other - The Filter (An Original Work)

in #poetry7 years ago


Others, staring into your mind,
Gauging your thoughts, your expression,
Why should it matter to them what you think?
Policing how you feel, how you act?

I don't get why others wish to change you,
Why cant they just accept you for what you are,
Instead they try to force you to conform to their filters of life,
Turn sideways and slide through the net, don't let them catch.

Turn you into little clones of themselves,
Put you through the blender, and mix you all up,
Till your faceless, nameless, blobs of meat,
Moving through life like wind through grass,
Touching, brushing against, but never changing.

I hope you enjoy my simple words dearest readers, something a little different today. <3


Do not let us feel in jail, because it can make our life chaotic, our brain strees.

Agreed. Freedom is important.

Good is what just happened to me...

SInce I posted an article why STEEM price would fall (from $2.09)...several Bullies have called it FUD which is childish this guy below is flagging every article that i have written about any topic, and stalking me. Is this how the Steemit Community wants to be managed? By THUGS controlling what you even say? That is not free speech...

Community Needs to Gang up on "Bacchist" Has as a Thug and Bully....he is trying to beat up everyone who he disagrees with and he is flagging the same people over and over 24/7 like some nut case...most bullies only understand one thing....a bloody nose, in this case where the community lashes back at this guy for bullying new users to do and say what HE wants...NOT GOOD!

Not very nice but an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. I remember the mass flag wars and it was not a positive experience for anyone. perhaps you can find a benefactor to upvote your posts and sort out the flaggy downness? I'm not entirely sure how it all works. I guess you should've known your audience, doom and glooming regarding the currency of the platform you are using is kinda.. odd? still, your situation sucks. :(

There is either free speech or not in steemit....for what I see, there is no free speech in this site...a person should not be able to buy Steem Power and bully you into what you write.....there should be NO down votes at all...only up votes or no vote at all....the free world has no down votes unless you are in a communist country...but many people in steemit are under 40 and have no knowledge about world history, socialism, communism or fascism at all....they only think what they are told to think do not bully, stalk or harass a person who you disagree with ...not you...but these tow other is BAD when a person can buy Stemm Power and push an article right off the page like a this not the same type of problem we all complain about in DC as mutli national companies control our country and government today???? yet, Steemit seems to have created the exact same model where there is no free speech interesting fact for my article in Google...

If you can think of a better model, fork steem and create it. This is all a work in progress, issues such as what you are experiencing are part and parcel of the growing pains, I looked at your posts and they were very doomy, not really surprised people were downvoting as a result. Why should you be rewarded for telling people to exit the market? :(

Just keep your head up and steem on, the more energy you devote to feeling unhappy about what they are doing the less you will have to engage in other more positive activities, invest your time and energy wisely <3

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