'Possession of Your Darkness' > Collection of Poems

in #poetry7 years ago

Robyn Eggs and Toast Presents:


"Possession of Your Darkness" - Sick Volume 1

Robyn Eggs
with a sprinkling of love...

1rst EDITION. September 19, 2017

Robyn Eggs and Toast
robyneggsandtoast @ gmail.com

Possession of Your Darkness
Sick Volume 1
Copyright © 2017 by Robyn Eggs
All Rights Reserved. Not for reproduction or republication.
*Expressly written permission may be obtained from the publisher (at the above email address) for personal use. A 50 STEEM deposit will be required.

Table of Contents

  1. Your Darkness
  2. Black Touches Black
  3. Possession
  4. Unicorns
  5. Birth
  6. Dead Me
  7. Outcropping
  8. To Live Forever
  9. My Love Inside You
  10. Inner Space
  11. A Hypochondriac’s Papercut
  12. My Love for You
  13. My Blue Shoe
  14. I Love You
  15. Where Is My Love
  16. Ugly
  17. Crack The Bone
  18. Heart to Heart
  19. Midnight Jars
  20. LO!


Acrylic and oil mix on canvas, sprinkled with sacred white sage charcoal and sealed in luster finish. For sale on my Facebook page, shipping not included - Robyn Eggs, Corvallis, OR.

Your Darkness

Dripping off your fingers
And falling away from you
I want to streak your face
But I do not have a clue

Your eyes like an abyss
Where I am drowning
Bestow on me this one kiss
To save me from frowning

Your face like a snowstorm
In which I am crying
Save me from this forlorn
Where I am dying

So I slip away from you
You did not save me from this
I still have no clue
And I will never have your kiss

When clouds cumulate
Around my desert steppe
It is your darkness
Flooding where I step
by @robyneggs


Black Touches Black

Broken shards of glass
Scattered throughout my head
Is what keeps me insane, alas
I’m surprised I’m not dead
So I dream lucid
When you enter my mind
Your body is inclusive
In its rotten rind
My eyes project
Into the translucent mirror
What I reflect
Inside a black smear
So I manifest you
My bent fingers portray
What my insanity can do
To the molding clay
Black touches black
In the shaded chamber
As my brain I rack
For some reality in the remainder
Of the broken glass
Sprawled out through my hand
And into your figurative mask
The dull insanity keeps my senses bland
by @robyneggs



On my spine
Little bumps grow
And climb
Ever so slow
Creeping towards my brain
I tear at my skin
Going insane
As they’re coming in
Through my veins
Little blood flows
My mind holds the reins
Drawing life as it grows
Eyes bleed and sweat
Pouring out my fears
Keeping my lips wet
So I can swallow
My tears
In the fight
Over my possession
It feeds off my fright
It drives me into recession
Can’t hold on
To my fleeting thoughts
My corpse it sits upon
As my body rots
by @robyneggs



In front of dreams
Like counting sheep
My sleep sparkling
And deep
Into which the unicorns
With starry eyes
I’ll keep
Their wonder
As I sleep
by @robyneggs



Sprawled across wooden chairs
My passion flares

Rip open my skin
To let you in

The warmth of my being
Permeates the room

In the mists I’m seeing
A form comes into bloom

Rising from a bloody stain
Brought by dripping rain

A silent winged creature of night
Comes to chase away the light
by @robyneggs


Dead Me

A spider’s web
All up in my head
Is what becomes of being dead
Like a blackened tree
Growing from under the sea
I live this life
Completely unaware of me
The shape of my light
That sparks the night
Doesn’t conform
To human spite
Not known to anyone
Under the setting sun
Including my outreaching self
Which looks and decides to run
by @robyneggs



Resorting to sorting
Out your own mumbling
Succumbing to combing
Out reasoning
Proceeding to secede
And become an outcropping
by @robyneggs


To Live Forever

Torn between the wall
There I lay disturbed
In my mind I fall
My brain itching and perturbed
The glass in my heart
Reflects the dark and black
As I slowly fall apart
Through the widening crack
Piled in an upturned heap
The parts of my being
All deadly in their sleep
Their eyes closed yet seeing
Lost in the madness
I created myself
I stumble in the sadness
Stripped of all my health
The only thing I can do
Is sit and bleed
My body a dripping sloe
Off the nothing I feed
Doomed to live forever
To forever endure
From mortality I sever
Left with no cure
by @robyneggs


My Love Inside You

My love, you are my hope
My self is lost to the abyss of your soul
And over the wooded plains I flee
From you who are so totally whole

Curtains drawn to hide my face
And slowly my features erase
You are my light in the sky
My love inside you where I cry

Wandering through this cold, hard life
I stumble and I fall, my arms limp
But you hold me instead, pay my price
Peace lingers over my face as you slip

Curtains drawn to hide my face
And slowly my features erase
You are my light in the sky
My love inside you where I cry

My love, you are my hope for me
Your kiss inside my head where I sit
You are the life inside of me
Woven dreams in which I sit and knit
by @robyneggs


Inner Space

Inner space
Lurks my thin
Inner face
The jaws of life
Still attached
My outer life
Wounded and scratched
The door to secrets
Slowly unlatched
By time’s secrets
Jars are snatched
Full of space
By incomplete
Me in haste
Taste my fingers
Of their dripping
Filth that lingers
My hands are slipping
From your grasp
Of the inadvertent
Past within
Inner space
Lurks my thin
Inner face
by @robyneggs


A Hypochondriac’s Paper Cut

My fingers are soaking
In my slipping blood
As death I am provoking
Lying here in the mud
My mind is falling
Through no longer fertile thoughts
While my essence is crawling
Into torturous cots
To while away the time
It takes to give up
My life-supporting spine
So very abrupt
I call out to Death
To hurry on his way
I spend my breath
So there won’t be a delay
My body is finally numb
I wish my mind would just go
And as I lay under the setting sun
I realize it’s a paper cut
by @robyneggs


My Love for You

Like early spring to wash away the woe
Thoughts of you melt my winter heart
And my body snow

I have evergreen and blossoming flowers
About me when I think of your lovely face
And your god-like powers

And what you give me is pure, my lover
All the beautiful angels with their white wings
Above us do hover

The only thoughts escaping from my mind
The only words uttered from my mouth
Is of this kind

When you leave me the wheat doth weep
All my dreams of you are harvested
And I sleep

And I hibernate
Until your foot walks over the ground
Bringing life ornate

So never leave me
Always love me
For I am in you and you in me

The only thoughts escaping from my mind
The only words uttered from my mouth
Is of this kind
by @robyneggs


My Blue Shoe

The rooms I walk through
Wearing my blue shoe
Hint at things unknown
When my life is blown
And during that time
I barely manage to rhyme
I gaze up at the ceiling
But what I’m actually seeing
Is another matter
And the clatter
Of my blue shoe
Echoes on cue
Windows with drapes
Cover happiness with capes
Trip on my blue shoelace
Now everything will erase
I tried so hard
The walls bombard
Tie my blue shoelace
Just in case
My sadness lurks in the corners
Blue-shoe-wearing mourners
The blue carpet
Under the parapet
Pulls back to reveal the stairs
I walk up with all prayers
Following in my blue shoe
The room’s blue hue
Lingers in my eyes
So I despise
Yet I am building
My happiness kneading
As my shoe turns from blue
Into a happier hue
The rooms I left behind
Are still unkind
They pull me down
When I frown
Yet I always wander
While I ponder
My shoe of blue
Leads back to You
by @robyneggs


I Love You

Love fills my heart today
Because of what you say
Your words warm my ear
Your voice I love to hear
Joy has fallen on my head
Because of what you said
And I wear it like a crown
Upon my hair of brown
Your love expressed to me
Beyond the deep of the sea
My love for you as deep
Our love will never sleep
“I Love You!”
by @robyneggs


Where is My Love?

Where is my love?
A part of me is dying
His being blind
To my crying
Will he come back?
Now I am blind
For not seeing
He was not my kind
Love. Love clings.
My love for him lives
My heart sings
When he is near to me
So where is my love?
My love for him is dying
Yet still he is deaf
To my inward sighing
by @robyneggs



I am very ugly
To her-she’s the one
That called me Sir Ugly
Ugliest one under the sun

My broken skull
Torn and bleak
She came to me full
Tall and sleek

My many pieces I tried
To pull together to hold
Her to me when she cried
Her body was never as cold

I did not have the power
To lift her above my head
Instead I was a coward
To the magnificence she held

I am very ugly
To her-she’s the one
That called me Sir Ugly
Ugliest one under the sun

As I stumbled through
She strode with grace
I sank in the sloe
While she held face

So she left me ugly
Drowning in all my shit
With my title-Sir Ugly
And my pale skull split

I am very ugly
To her-she’s the one
That called me Sir Ugly
Ugliest one under the sun
by @robyneggs


Crack the Bone

Crack the bone
Skin the skin
Skin the bone
And crack the skin
Over kill
Keel over
Head over heels
Once then
And now again
Here I am
Again once then
by @robyneggs


Heart to Heart

Forever etched
Is my hand upon you
And my arm outstretched
Ever toward you
In the haziness of what we felt
We were blurred out of reality
Never again to be felt
By cruel reality
Our love was macerated
By the lake of enjoyment
Not another like it created
With such great enjoyment
Like empty space filled
Was the feeling of my heart
Out my emotions spilled
From heart to heart
by @robyneggs


Midnight Jars

Falling from trees
And spilling from the moon
My thoughts are expanding
From the edge of a silver spoon
Seeping from the cracks
Between my brain
Where they are harvested
To reap the insane
When I reach out to the night
And call to the stars
They whisper me back my plight
To keep in midnight jars
by @robyneggs



LO! For life hardens in your hand
Raped by the air and sand

My eyes are left dry
From the tears I cry

Lo! For the cracked rock you hold
Is crumbling away from the mold

My bones creak and break
From Time’s gnawing beak

Lo! For your life wastes away
Taking with it the light of day

My love for you dies
And the skies are filled with my cries
by @robyneggs


thank you_robyneggs_by_girlbeforemirror.jpg


@robyneggs, it's hard to comment on all of these poems, but it good that they're all in one place. I like how they play of of each other. I am also a fan of the rhymes and thought it seemed very natural here. Good work.

Thanks for your most valuable feedback @moeknows! :-) So glad you enjoyed the compiling of imagery in this collection. I have two more to follow...be sure to stay tuned! :-) XOXOX Cheers! Wishing you all the best!

🖤what a great read!

Hey thanks Babe! :-) XxoO Cheers! :-)

Wow, some really creative and heart-felt emotions in this collection!!!

That means a lot, coming from you @cognoscere! XOXOX Cheers~! So glad you enjoyed them! <3

Amazing, I love the darker tone in your writing.

Thank you EI. I grew up on Edgar Allan Poe....he has quite the knack for subtlety. :-) :-) So of course my poetry would have a darker edge to it...plus there is just something about tragedy...romantic.

These are really good. How did I miss all of this?! Wonderful poetry.

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