On Enoughness

in #poetry4 years ago

This week I've been thinking a lot about 'enoughness'. When we believe we aren't enough, we work tirelessly toward what we are told is better: whiter, prettier, younger, richer. And if we are judging ourselves like this, then we are sure as hell doing it to others.

And if others are 'less than' then that gives us reason to disenfranchise, belittle, ignore, separate ourselves. The entire capitalist model is built in YOU ARE NOT ENOUGH. Because if we didn't feel the need to better ourselves, why would we buy in to what they are selling?

I listened to a great podcast a while back on radical self love - for the life of me I can't find it - and the speaker was talking about how self love is a radical act because it came from a position of being enough, despite where society attempts to position your body, sex, social standing, rank, colour and so on. When we love ourselves, and, by extension, others, it's a radical act because it refuses to participate in the institutionalised madness of a capitalistic ladder that keeps those in power, powerful.

Yes, I'm good enough even though I don't have a huge house on the coast Yes, I'm good enough even though I'm nearly 50 and menopausal - unyoung, unpure, unthin. Yes, I'm good enough even though I don't have the yoga body on the cover of a magazine where a bikini clad babe bends backwards on a Balinese beach. Yes, I'm good enough even though I don't want to work a career for some kind of stiletto'd success. Yes, I'm good enough because I only had one child. Yes, I'm good enough even though I don't wear makeup, drive a new car, have a million dollar ring on my finger. Yes, I'm good enough even though I was a single mum, child out of wedlock. Yes, I'm good enough even though the trauma that has been placed on my woman's body happened because I live in a world where men think that that is okay, or society does not support men to be better because they don't need to be by virtue of their maleness.

And that's just my rage against the machine. I'm not black or disabled or both, or a woman of colour with a disability, which is just about a hard an apology as you can be given.

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There's a lot decidely yogic about this idea of 'enoughness' - it fits with everything I've learnt. There's no difference, only oneness - it's only our discriminating minds that have made this reality so, manifested the world we live in. Our heart of hearts is pure love - there is no need for 'acceptance' when we simply are. There's no 'not enough' - simply is-ness - a beautiful, vibrating, achingly vital beingness that defies all attempts to make it something that can be profitted from, downtrodden, abused, ignored, used, sold, belittled, judged.

There's so much to say and expand upon with this response.

But I think I'd rather do a poem.

Hey you, the girl who wakes up next to a man,
Who, in simmering unspent rage said last night:
At you going out like that?
And you apologised.
Changed your heels.
Tugged on a different skirt, jacket, colour of your lips.
Get up and leave now, kiss him goodbye.

You are not an apology.

You, with the stretch marks silver and purple on your beautiful belly
And your breasts that fall just right, because they are yours, and nourish children -

And you, silver haired crone, with the limp still from falling off a horse when you were 12,
And the scar on your face from when you drove into a tree drunk when he left you for the one with no scars yet,

Who could not look in the mirror -
Butterfly sparkles were dusted with shame
Like you, not enough.

And the you who wanted to be a - doesn't matter - lawyer, landowner?
Looked at the ladder and couldn't even put a foot on the top rung
Kept ... slipping.
They will find you one day, having given up
But you are enough -

As were you, who, crippled limbs,
Let the boy inside you because it was hard enough to be wanted


Just for being beautifully, magically, extraordinarily, more than



I've never felt I was enough. Ever. I'm 62 and have never ever felt like I was "man" enough. I'm not a soldier a cop a lifeguard a boxer a fighter a lawyer a landowner a plumber, I can't build a house or fix a car. I'm not tall enough. Strong enough. Tough enough. I always did solo sports like surfing skateboarding and art and playing guitar. I've been miserable my entire life for not being enough. Not man enough to have the girlfriend or ... change the shitty stuff men do women and others who they perceive as weaker than them. Yeah, I hoped to change that. Couldn't do it. Another example of not being enough. Imagine being be smart talented and reasonably cute but not good enough to have a girlfriend. Yes, I'm the cliche snowflake loser.

Except to me. You're awesome to me.

Fuck that - you are too old to hang onto that! Haha - not young enough - just kidding. You're an amazing photographer, you gotta way with words, and in my book surfing skateboarding artistic musical photographers are freaking awesome, and anyone who says different needs some radical self love themselves.

Nice to see you, would like to talk on discord to you when possible


Thanks so much!

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