{Original Poem} Streaming Communication Code In NumberssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #poetry7 years ago (edited)



Meta, Metta, Matter 

One, Two 

Then I said I do,   


The first time I saw him,  

The moment we touched.

 Finally opening my heart to him, falling in love, over and over again… I loved him thrice   


The doorway to my heart.

 The building, the mainframe, 

Image courtesy of  see_thelight.com

My vessel, my Merkabah, divine light vehicle.

 Here I live and be in this reality   


All in my mind.

Unseen and Forbidden, 

Down and around the rabbit hole, the hive 

Five... Alice are you still alive, where are you going Alice? 


Switching off Ego.

 Surrendering Self... Deeply Relaxing, No thinking, no thoughts,

Meditating....In Zen

Bringing down a new me, exchanging switching out for, in need of a recharge, sending up the old, reaching to greet, meet, levitating.

Shifting to a deeper relaxation....

No Signature imprint in this realm.

 Slipping through the crevices, the membranes of the illusionary fabric of this reality.  

Arriving on the other side in the real of  the dream,

 Where I now…. not I, switching tense….where you now reside.   


Facing the need to communicate, The throat zone, say what you need to say. 

On The Physical, In the reflection of the masculine, man exists.

Man lives but not alone, unless he risks living in limbo. The woman, the mother, female reflection, inspiration, energetic nurturing principle and powerful being...if connected to will help him stand. Follow  the matrix.   

Image Courtesy of permacultureconvergence.com


The Crown...

Is Your Head On Straight? 

Can Your Chakras elevate up past the heartstrings? Don’t ask why the third eye. Make your way through the battlefield of the mind, the mental.

Calculating seven, you have reached the plane of Heaven Yet still connected to physical things. 


Streamline, downsize, minimalist, lighten your load. Get rid of all those things, don’t be too heavy or you will have to weight, wait… On getting back to All-ness, All Things. 

Infinite be Infinity Kundalini flows traveling the maze.

Energy flowing in a harmonic progression, returning you to balance,  stay balanced… 

In an instance you may remember or recognize.

Experiences from other lives bleed through, reaching the fork in the road, you have come full circle,.. course correct, Aligning past and present now in Deja Vu.   

Life presses, pushes to continue, pain is a must,

If activation is what you seek, you must experience, feel, see.  You must remember...

As you break the seals backwards, back through the spine, to be activated.  

Image Courtesy of spiritualunitecdn

Seals broken and before you opens, your ancestral lineage, bridge,  you must touch and travel through to get to the other side,  travel back which is forward, through many lives. 

Remember to breathe and don’t close your eyes.

The  memories spill, overflows, reveals, hidden secrets, hurt, hardship, enslavement, running, to much too soon.

 Struggling, living good, danced all night, finally got love right, they die leaving her, him, all alone, leading to grieving,.. 

Children, so many born, fueling the bloodline, giving hope to new generations... 

In touch, in tune with nature, want to give, want to grow...

 Embracing false gods, sacrificing authentic power, forgetting who we are, identity crisis... 

Rebirth, enlightenment, wasting precious jewels, displaced, replaced, ancestors living through you, your family tree....

Image Courtesy of ionamiller

As you spiral outward, upward..... Program repeating, you must go back down into darkness.  The synopsis between neurons not firing, connection not found.... therefore you must go down, down. Growth in darkness, stillness, gestation awaiting rebirth.

A winter season comes to an end, dark night of the soul has reached a new dawning. Rungs moving, birthing  forward, upward, spiraling upward again.  

This time stronger, synopsis between neurons connected, firing. Supreme balancement achieved, final recalibration in progress now. Mission fulfilled, purpose realized. You spiral up, up into other realms, worlds. Soaring beyond the Milky Way moving beyond a Spiral Galaxy containing 400 billion stars plus And 100 billion planets.

Image courtesy of University of Southampton

 Regathering to everything Back to origin, consciousness frequency back to wholeness, everywhere, nowhere This communication code stream complete….offline.        


This is awesome, I might try doing one about my numerology. I write about synchronicity and stuff but I feel like we all get different meanings from our own numbers. I always love seeing metaphysical posts pop up! :)

Wow, you put a smile on my face. I worked on this one for many hours. Thank you so much for the fast reply. Please, please do one. I want to see it. I love your writing. I will be looking out for it.

Love what you've done here. Our personal numbers, I believe, are a divine code. Superb!! :)

Thank you @tinajordan, coming from you that means a lot. Always glad to see you here. Let's stay connected.

thank you so much sir for upvote thank you alot

That would be Ms. and not sir. I think the short hair throws people off. And you are welcome I like your post. Much success to you.

i am sorry for that

No problem, lets stay connected @waqasahmad911

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